Sunday, May 30, 2010

Missed One!

Missed last night's entry. I was tired and couldn't bring myself to get off the couch! Matt and I had to take Addysen to Children's after hours care. She was running a fever over 103 for the whole day, and had stopped talking and doing anything other than going to the bathroom. Normally, being that I am a pretty seasoned mom, I would wait on getting medical help with most fevers. It was her behavior that was worrisome, so we took her in. There she was still very hot, and not doing anything. They were able to give her some Motrin, which I can not find on my own because it has been recalled!! Very frustrating! Long story short, this morning she woke up and is in rare form! She is yelling at her brothers already. I suspect she is making up for missing out on an entire day of telling them what to do! One of these days she will realize, like most men, they are not listening anyway!

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