Friday, May 7, 2010


Where is the Calgon when you need it?!? If you do take me away Calgon, please make it somewhere far, far from here!! Also, make sure it is deafeningly quiet!! I am wondering how a child can scream incessantly for over three hours. And, why?? Why do they feel the need to make a point as loudly as possible? Even when you pick up the child they still continue to scream! I am at a loss sometimes. But i digress. Screaming over now, boys in bed, and girls getting ready for movie night. Wait...girls arguing about who is doing what to get ready for movie night! I think they heard the silence upstairs and decided it was just too quiet! Okay, now, I am serious, where did I put that darn Calgon?? Maybe that is mommy code for wine. Yes, that is it! Our "fore-mothers" were saving face by nicknaming their alcohol Calgon! Wow, I feel better now! Knowing that wine has always been a go to for mothers throughout the ages, I feel less alone! Less crazy. Wineries should be thanking screaming babies and fighting children everywhere! Cheers! :)

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