Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today is a little different. The boys were awesome, and they decided to give mommy or "mi-mi" (that is what they call me) a bit of a break today. They both took great naps, ate well at every meal, and for the most part played nicely together. Then, in comes their older, not by much mind you, sister. When they see this cutie pie of a little girl, they recognize that she represents everything they are against! For example, playing calmly, not screaming every moment of the day, relaxing without being asleep, the usual things. This is when the pushing and hair pulling starts. They both gang up on her and yank her hair until she yells. They will both push her off the couch, and steal her blanket from her. They will screech in her face until she gives them whatever it is she has. She is so good about all of these things, it is surprising! She is after all only two! When she has had enough, she calls for back-up~~ME! I will then try to distract the boys long enough for Addy to eat her waffle, or read a book. She is now making sure they leave her alone when she has to go to the bathroom, "No boys!" she will say. Or, "Close the door!". She is able to tell us when they have done something to upset her, and will wait to make certain that someone has a talk with them. I always tell them what they did was not nice, and I make sure she is around to hear. That way she knows their behavior is not acceptable, and mommy will not let them be mean to her! Afterward, she says to the boys, "That is okay baby." and gives them a hug! You can't get much sweeter than that!

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