Thursday, August 5, 2010

What a Monkey!

Our boys have really showed us what boys are all about. For the short time they have been with us they have defined what being a little boy is all about. They climb, wrestle, scream, run, jump, push, and just about everything else you can imagine! There is such a difference between girls and boys that is makes me laugh. I am just now starting to get a chance to watch a bit of a show with the guys without them using me as their personal jungle gym! I still can not sit on the floor and play for a very long stretch of time because I end up wrestling the boys. They will get a running start and jump on my lap or throw themselves on me. I am surprised I have not had a broken nose or even a black eye from a boy launching himself onto my head! I will be shocked if I make it threw their toddler-hood with all of my teeth still intact! One can never be too careful around our house. At any given moment any movable object can become a projectile. It is amazing the speed at which our youngest children move and how hard they throw things. When I hear something hit the floor I cringe until I am certain nothing is broken or nobody is hurt. I do know one thing for sure, we will not be getting new furniture until the boys go to college!

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