Thursday, August 12, 2010


It is so incredible to watch children learn new things. To actually be with them when that "light bulb" goes off is so much fun. Today we were listening for sounds around the neighborhood. For the last couple of days we have been making a point of telling the boys when a train was going by. From our house the train is at a great distance to be able to hear it and not be really annoying. Actually, Matt and I both find the train comforting since we both grew up near the railroad and heard the trains all the time. Anyhow, Brenden and Garhett heard the train this morning before I did and they both came running to tell me "choo-choo"! I was so excited for them! I could see the happiness in their faces, they were so happy to know what they were hearing and what it is called. They do the same thing when the ice cream truck drives by. Addysen even says the ice cream song is her favorite song. The boys are learning things at such a rapid pace lately it blows my mind. They know articles of clothing, and are learning colors and shapes. We are still working on animals and their sounds. With every child it is a new adventure when it comes to learning. They each learn in their own way, and discover the world in their own way! There has been nothing repetitive, each little person has been drawn in different ways to new parts of their worlds. It is nice to go to the park or to the mountains and let them run wild, without restrictions. You only learn not to eat dirt after trying it!

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