Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is That?

Here is our oldest daughter, yes that is a head-lamp thingy she is wearing. We are so proud of her! It is good to at least see her not being so serious once in a while. Apryl has been known since pre-school to get stressed out over just about anything. She is able to joke around with her younger brothers and sisters. There is no room for seriousness as far as the little ones are concerned. For example, at dinner tonight Brenden thought it was hilarious to open his mouth and show me his food. He would sit with his mouth open waiting for me to say something or have a reaction. It was pretty funny. As soon as I would even glance in his direction he would start laughing and his smile was so cute, even with the bacon stuck to his teeth. I could tell Garhett was wondering what the heck we were all laughing about. I am sure it was the same for Brenden in the bath later. He was the one wondering what was so funny when Garhett was cracking himself up by throwing a toy at the wall. He liked the noise it was making when it would hit the wall, and it was even funnier when it bounced off the wall and hit him in the head! We are hard pressed to keep the toys (and water) in the tub, so if he is amused by throwing one at the wall, I am fine with that. We have had so much water on the floor at times that it drips through the ceiling into the basement. Addysen will not even use the potty sometimes when the boys are done bathing because she doesn't like the "puddles" as she puts it. It is now a prerequisite to put a towel on the bathroom floor before bath time begins. Oh, and why don't kids want to sit when they are taking a bath?? Why do they feel the need to stand the entire time and freeze their you know whats off?

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