Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On the Mend

Our little man is finally feeling better! After waiting hours, literally, for his prescription to be filled, he is feeling better. Our wonderful doctors took it upon themselves to prescribe the most expensive medicine they could find for Brenden. When Daddy arrived to pick it up and it was $60 after the insurance, he was a little pissed! I called back and asked for something else. I of course said we will pay whatever we have to in order to make him better, but we all knew there was something less expensive available. And, there was...it ended up being $15! By the time everything was said and done B-man was already in bed and didn't get to start his meds until this morning. Better late then never?? I am not sure on this one. I do however really like the pediatrician our kids see, I just wonder when will these BIG companies get a clue and stop trying to get kick-backs at our little people's expense?? There has to be a line where they are not allowed to cross, especially when it comes to people and their health care.

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