Monday, August 30, 2010

We Have a Winner!

Well, we don't exactly have a "winner", seeing as how we have another sick kiddo. Whatever has been hanging on at our house has now made it's way to the third child. It started with Alexys, then moved on to Addysen, now we have Brenden. High fevers and stuffy noses, coughing fits and now it has changed into pink eye!! Yes, our little man Brenden has been lucky enough to pick up the mutated form of this virus and has been blessed with pink eye! It is only a matter of time before Garhett is dealing with an eye that is stuck shut and running a fever of his own. They share a bed, and Brendens germs are going to be all over it, so it is practically inevitable that Garhett will not get sick. Little people are super clingy when they are not feeling well. Don't get me wrong, I love to sit and cuddle with my guys, but I can not get anything else done when they are ill. It can make for a cranky mommy also! I am hoping though that we will be lucky enough to not have this spread. I am preaching to my older girls about hand washing, so let's all keep our fingers crossed that will help. There is not much else we can do except wait and see! I am going to join Brenden and stick my tongue out at this bug also! Tthhppptt!!

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