Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On the Mend

Our little man is finally feeling better! After waiting hours, literally, for his prescription to be filled, he is feeling better. Our wonderful doctors took it upon themselves to prescribe the most expensive medicine they could find for Brenden. When Daddy arrived to pick it up and it was $60 after the insurance, he was a little pissed! I called back and asked for something else. I of course said we will pay whatever we have to in order to make him better, but we all knew there was something less expensive available. And, there was...it ended up being $15! By the time everything was said and done B-man was already in bed and didn't get to start his meds until this morning. Better late then never?? I am not sure on this one. I do however really like the pediatrician our kids see, I just wonder when will these BIG companies get a clue and stop trying to get kick-backs at our little people's expense?? There has to be a line where they are not allowed to cross, especially when it comes to people and their health care.

Monday, August 30, 2010

We Have a Winner!

Well, we don't exactly have a "winner", seeing as how we have another sick kiddo. Whatever has been hanging on at our house has now made it's way to the third child. It started with Alexys, then moved on to Addysen, now we have Brenden. High fevers and stuffy noses, coughing fits and now it has changed into pink eye!! Yes, our little man Brenden has been lucky enough to pick up the mutated form of this virus and has been blessed with pink eye! It is only a matter of time before Garhett is dealing with an eye that is stuck shut and running a fever of his own. They share a bed, and Brendens germs are going to be all over it, so it is practically inevitable that Garhett will not get sick. Little people are super clingy when they are not feeling well. Don't get me wrong, I love to sit and cuddle with my guys, but I can not get anything else done when they are ill. It can make for a cranky mommy also! I am hoping though that we will be lucky enough to not have this spread. I am preaching to my older girls about hand washing, so let's all keep our fingers crossed that will help. There is not much else we can do except wait and see! I am going to join Brenden and stick my tongue out at this bug also! Tthhppptt!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Who would have thought that the most expensive toys would end being the ones least played with?? Like most children ours have liked the boxes their gifts have come in more than the gift itself. They have also enjoyed an insane amount of wrapping and tissue paper. They would rather play with shoelaces and and squirt bottles than to be forced to play with toys! Although, squirt bottles can be fun. I have seen them have too much fun with old socks on their hands, and bowls on their heads. This time I have balloons. We got them from Grandma, and they have been quite a hit. The three little people played with these balloons for almost an hour yesterday. I watched Garhett smile from ear to ear while he chased his balloon around the living room. He seemed to really enjoy watching it float to the ground. I drew funny faces on each balloon for them, and that was enough to make them laugh for a fair amount of time. The only time they were not having fun was when G-man sat on his balloon and it popped--of course! Boy, he was so upset! I think it was because at first the noise scared him half to death, then he realized he no longer had a balloon. Thank goodness we had extra! Just when I finished blowing up his new balloon, I hear Brenden screaming for dear life! Yes, he too found a way to pop his balloon. Hence the reason they only played with the balloons for about an hour. After blowing up about eight new balloons I was tired! Oh, now I also know that there is not much of a reason to draw on them since they only last for a few minutes. It is not worth listening to them holler at me while they are waiting for me to finish my master piece so they can play with the balloons. I guess they don't appreciate fine art yet!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Home is Where the Heart Is

We are back home and it couldn't be a moment too soon. I was so homesick and eager to be with my kiddos again. I never had imagined a time when I would have had such feelings for other people like I do for our children. I know how sappy that sounds, but it is totally true. They were on my mind constantly, especially the little people. Everything Matt and I did together I kept thinking how much one of the kids would have enjoyed it also. The hardest part was when we were at the wedding and other parents had their kids with them. The little boys were dancing and having a great time! I had to leave the party for a moment so I could re-group! I was glad to hang out with my awesome hubby who humored me during my moments of sadness and reminded me they were just fine. I had a nice time on vacation, but my favorite part was seeing their little faces again! I loved hearing them shout "Mommy or Ma-Ma"!! Having our oldest two run out to give us a hug was wonderful! It was funny when Matt went to give Garhett a hug and he pushed Matt aside and ran for me. He didn't even give Daddy a second glance! I love knowing what my position is in life and where I belong the most. Those are gratifying things to have figured out. We are a family of 7 and that is what we were meant to be!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can I Bring Just One??

We are off to Texas in the morning bright and early before my little people wake up. That way they will not miss me as much. I have asked Matt several times including a few minutes ago, if I could bring even one kiddo along. His answer you ask? NO! A pretty emphatic no at that! Well, you can't blame a girl for trying. As I was saying goodnight to the boys and reading Addy her bed time story, all I could think of was that this will be the last time I get to do these things for a few days. The special little moments that I alone get to share with my little people are going to have to be put on hold. I am really feeling beat up inside. I am the type though, that if something is bothering me I usually keep it bottled up. I know that I will also be better off if I don't have too much contact with them while we are gone. It is like adding salt to an open wound to hear their giggles OVER THE PHONE!! I am getting a taste of what it must be like for our family that is far away on a daily basis. I am lucky to have them all the time whenever I want. I get to kiss their Buddha bellies and splash with them in the tub. I get to help with homework and listen to the third grade gossip. All in all, I am thankful for the new found appreciation I have for being a mommy. I love you Morrison 5, and I will see you all when we get home! :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Missing Them Already

I know now why it is important for parents to get away without their children. I feel like I might suffer from separation anxiety and I haven't even left yet. I do know somewhere in the back of my mind that it is a good thing to have Mommy and Daddy time, but my heart keeps wanting to take at least one or two little people with us. I am certain they will be in good hands while we are away, so that is not a concern. It is just all the little things that go into keeping the house running and making everyone happy that are hard to pass along. I guess that is another good reason for us to get away so the kiddos can get used to change. I am really going to miss them. The little guys and I have never been apart except for me running errands or going out to an occasional dinner. I am however, looking forward very much to the alone time with my hubby, which is also few and far between. Also I keep reminding myself that we are not going to be gone for a month, and we are also not going very far. I do look forward to sleeping until I wake up, and eating my meals without having to share!! I will miss the noise though, as weird as that may seem. Quiet for us usually means that something is wrong. I can hardly wait to get back already!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It is always nice to be home again. Even though we had a really nice time and the weather was super cooperative, our boys were exhausted. When they get into that mountain air, they think it is time to go and go and go. Brenden did have a long weekend in some regards. He was just in a fowl mood for a good portion of the time we were gone. He actually started with his moodiness on the drive up to the property. He did have moments where he was content, but they seemed few and far between. He chased his Daddy and I all over the campsite rather than playing with his brother or his sisters. Any time I went into the trailer he would have a fit. I kept wondering why he wanted in so bad when at home he is always trying to get out! He was just so feisty! I couldn't get him to take his coat off yesterday, and if I even attempted to take it off he threw himself on the ground. It was tiring trying to make him happy. We were able to have a great time with the rest of our family. Lexy and Addy like to dig in the dirt and make roads for the trucks they play with. Apryl hung out with her cousins and her Aunt Sammi. Spending time with everyone was wonderful. On the way home today we stopped on Willow Creek Pass and let the girls play around in the water. It was nice that the boys were sleeping and we didn't have to fuss with them. :) Addy was so cute while she was throwing rocks into the creek. Then we had Matt who had to find the largest rock (or boulder) and throw it close enough to one the girls in order to get them wet!! I think he had fun also!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


It is so incredible to watch children learn new things. To actually be with them when that "light bulb" goes off is so much fun. Today we were listening for sounds around the neighborhood. For the last couple of days we have been making a point of telling the boys when a train was going by. From our house the train is at a great distance to be able to hear it and not be really annoying. Actually, Matt and I both find the train comforting since we both grew up near the railroad and heard the trains all the time. Anyhow, Brenden and Garhett heard the train this morning before I did and they both came running to tell me "choo-choo"! I was so excited for them! I could see the happiness in their faces, they were so happy to know what they were hearing and what it is called. They do the same thing when the ice cream truck drives by. Addysen even says the ice cream song is her favorite song. The boys are learning things at such a rapid pace lately it blows my mind. They know articles of clothing, and are learning colors and shapes. We are still working on animals and their sounds. With every child it is a new adventure when it comes to learning. They each learn in their own way, and discover the world in their own way! There has been nothing repetitive, each little person has been drawn in different ways to new parts of their worlds. It is nice to go to the park or to the mountains and let them run wild, without restrictions. You only learn not to eat dirt after trying it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Locked Up

In their crib is really the only safe place left for the boys to play. Although, there are quite a few mornings that Matt goes in to get the boys out of bed and one is standing on the other. We are often awoke by the crying from one little guy (usually Garhett) because the other is jumping on his back. When Matt or I walk into the room the boy doing the standing is just looking at us like, "what??". Garhett will have his little arm hanging out of the crib like he is trying to reach for help. That is when I begin to think that it might be time for separate beds. They are both very good however at jumping on their mother's back. I thought they had severed something the other day when they got a running start and leaped onto my back. When I thought I was in clear to go ahead and relax for a second, they saw an opportunity to ambush me! It can be like trying to relax with two overly aggressive wild boars! Nobody ever accused our guys of being gentle. It used to be a good thing that our bed is about four feet off the ground because they couldn't get up on it, but now, they use it as a springboard. They can jump higher, and reach more things they shouldn't. When Brenden and Garhett are awake, so is the rest of the house! Today, for example, they caught wind of the fact that their sisters Addy and Lexy were still sleeping. Trust me, they are not the waking crew I want in the morning. The boys went into their room and threw just enough toys and books onto the floor to wake both of their sisters. I could hear Alexys saying, "Oh my God! You boys have destroyed my room!". All the while I was taking advantage of the boys not destroying my room! I did feel bad later and I may even help her clean up her room.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I like You!

It is strange how the boys have so forwardly picked their favorite parent. Brenden is infatuated with his Daddy, which leaves Garhett for me! They both are not afraid to show that they prefer one person over the other. I never get the same welcoming hello from Brenden that Matt gets. B-man will run and jump onto the couch just to watch Matt back out of the driveway. From there I get to hear, "Da-Da??" over and over for about the next thirty minutes. Every time Brenden is playing with a phone he puts it to his ear and again says, "da-da!". Now don't get me wrong, Garhett loves his Daddy also, but he loves to sit with me and read books, and maybe even watch a little bit of tv. He is by far our calmer boy. I think that is why he is more drawn to me. In nature the mother is the nurturer and the one to go to when you have an "owie". Garhett likes to play and rough house, he just likes to take a break once in a while also, where as his brother NEVER stops! After a long day of chasing them around I am tired, so when they get wind of Dad coming in the door Brenden rushes over to play while Garhett finally settles down. He likes to sit in my lap and relax even if it is only for a moment. It is neat to see the entirely different element that their Dad adds to play time. He just automatically knows how boys like to play. They are more rough and tough. I am getting used to this manner of playing, it just took a little time seeing as how I was used to girls. I do have a couple of girlie-girls, so this is a bit of a transition. For now I will take the few minutes of hanging on the couch with my Garhett and Matt can wrestle on the floor with his Brenden!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


As much as our boys love each other and enjoy one anothers company for the most part, they have started to have their moments of fighting with one another. They can be playing together so nicely and one will do something the other dislikes and chaos ensues. This morning was a great example. Garhett was playing alone with a little sized table in his room pushing it back and forth, turning it upside down, just being a good boy minding his own business. Brenden caught wind of what was going on and took it upon himself to try and commander the table from his brother. Of course this did not go over well with Garhett. Our little guys were blessed with extra space in their lungs, that is the only explanation I can come up with for their ability to scream for as long as they do without having to take a breath. Yes, Garhett was making his protest known to the entire neighborhood. I am surprised with the amount of screaming that was coming from their bed room that no one thought they should call for help! Matt and I were trying to help, we didn't think Brenden should be allowed to take something from his brother and not have to give it back. We tried distracting B-man with a football, we tried reading a book to him, we even tried to bribe him with a snack. He was like a shark with his prey already bleeding in the water. He knew there was more damage for him to cause and he was totally relentless. As soon as Brenden would leave Garhett alone the yelling and crying stopped. The quiet was not satisfying to Brenden, so he kept going back for more. Unfortunately, Garhett gave in. He came over to sit with me and read the book we had tried to give to Brenden. I wiped Garhett's tears and gave him the cup that Brenden threw on the floor, that is when B-man decided he did want the cup after all! By the end of all this mayhem, the table was not even being played with! Brenden did not care what his brother was playing with, he wanted whatever Garhett had just to make him mad. It made the half an hour that the argument lasted feel like an entire morning. Now I can hear their little feet running up and down the hallway and I am sure they are looking for the next thing to get into!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Are Them Twins??

From this far away I could understand how Matt and I may get asked this question, but when people are up close I don't get it! We were out a while ago, and a "gentleman" was inquiring as to whether or not our guys were twins. With his four teeth he asked, "are them twins?". I was thinking, "oh my god, are those teeth??". I know how bad that sounds, but geez, let's be honest, I thought he was asking a question like he was ordering something off a Taco Bell menu. My boys were crying because they were scared and wanted to get away. He then says, "my mom had three sets of twins." Yes, I too was thinking, "yeah right.". Our little men get a lot of attention, and sometimes it can be overwhelming for everyone. Then we have the people that stare at them until they have found something they think is different about them. I swear, if they weren't twins people would insist that they look just alike. Once someone hears they are identical, they immediately search for something to argue they can't be identical. We were at a family BBQ recently and a distant family member gave me the fifth degree wanting me to prove to him how my doctor knew they were identical. I tried to assure him that there are ways to tell if twins are identical in the womb without a DNA test. This did not suffice his curiosity, he kept prodding wanting to know how I knew. I was saying to him that it was a private matter and he should just trust me. That is when he became a nuisance about the whole matter, telling me that I probably didn't actually know for sure. I finally gave in and shouted, "they shared a placenta! Only identical twins can share that!!". I then asked, "was that the conversation you were hoping to have while eating your burger??". When did it happen that people who are strangers or close to strangers know more about my children than I do?? I am not sure why people ask questions when they already think they know the answer. Save us both the time and the frustration and just pretend you are right! Oh, and for the record, twins that are a girl and a boy can NOT be identical!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What a Monkey!

Our boys have really showed us what boys are all about. For the short time they have been with us they have defined what being a little boy is all about. They climb, wrestle, scream, run, jump, push, and just about everything else you can imagine! There is such a difference between girls and boys that is makes me laugh. I am just now starting to get a chance to watch a bit of a show with the guys without them using me as their personal jungle gym! I still can not sit on the floor and play for a very long stretch of time because I end up wrestling the boys. They will get a running start and jump on my lap or throw themselves on me. I am surprised I have not had a broken nose or even a black eye from a boy launching himself onto my head! I will be shocked if I make it threw their toddler-hood with all of my teeth still intact! One can never be too careful around our house. At any given moment any movable object can become a projectile. It is amazing the speed at which our youngest children move and how hard they throw things. When I hear something hit the floor I cringe until I am certain nothing is broken or nobody is hurt. I do know one thing for sure, we will not be getting new furniture until the boys go to college!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is That?

Here is our oldest daughter, yes that is a head-lamp thingy she is wearing. We are so proud of her! It is good to at least see her not being so serious once in a while. Apryl has been known since pre-school to get stressed out over just about anything. She is able to joke around with her younger brothers and sisters. There is no room for seriousness as far as the little ones are concerned. For example, at dinner tonight Brenden thought it was hilarious to open his mouth and show me his food. He would sit with his mouth open waiting for me to say something or have a reaction. It was pretty funny. As soon as I would even glance in his direction he would start laughing and his smile was so cute, even with the bacon stuck to his teeth. I could tell Garhett was wondering what the heck we were all laughing about. I am sure it was the same for Brenden in the bath later. He was the one wondering what was so funny when Garhett was cracking himself up by throwing a toy at the wall. He liked the noise it was making when it would hit the wall, and it was even funnier when it bounced off the wall and hit him in the head! We are hard pressed to keep the toys (and water) in the tub, so if he is amused by throwing one at the wall, I am fine with that. We have had so much water on the floor at times that it drips through the ceiling into the basement. Addysen will not even use the potty sometimes when the boys are done bathing because she doesn't like the "puddles" as she puts it. It is now a prerequisite to put a towel on the bathroom floor before bath time begins. Oh, and why don't kids want to sit when they are taking a bath?? Why do they feel the need to stand the entire time and freeze their you know whats off?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Buena Vista

Took the family to a weekend in Buena Vista, CO. It it always so beautiful there. We were primarily there for a family reunion, which we made up half of the guest list, almost anyway! Daddy got an opportunity to golf with many family members we don't see often enough. Grandma Mona and Aunt Peggy and I took the kiddos for a walk to try and find the golfing gang. We let the kids play in a small creek for a while, the girls were having a great time doing that. Addy did eventually fall into the creek, but with her being so comfortable naked, it didn't matter to her that she wasn't wearing any pants. When we did find Matt and everyone else, the boys were sure mad that he wasn't able to pay more attention to them. They showed their unhappiness by what else, screaming! The kids played and played for three days, it was so nice. Apryl made good friends with her cousin Megan, and they hung out quite a bit. Addysen was in love with the dogs, we found her more than once lying on the dogs tummies and giving them hugs. She liked when they gave her kisses. Our boys were enjoying playing with their Uncle Boyd. He played and played with them for quite a while. He didn't mind chasing the things the boys throw on the ground over and over. He would sometimes even look for the boys to see what they were doing so he could play with them. We all had a great time, I just wish my allergies had been a no show! Other than that, it was a nice weekend. Great weather, food and family, you can't go wrong!