Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where the Wild Thing Are

Trust me, a few of the wild things are at my house! Lions, and tigers and bears, oh my!! Eight months after Halloween, and now they like their costumes?!? Well, better late than never. They are starting to really like dressing up. I dug out a few of the girls' old animal costumes like a dog and Blues Clues, and they will wear those all day! I don't have a lot of "boy" dress-up things, so, I guess I had better start looking. Fireman, policeman, superheros and dinosaurs have yet to find their way into our dress-up repertoire. Until now. They also enjoy shoes that are ten sizes to large. I can hear them clunking and shuffling up and down the hallway. I remember dressing my little brother up like a girl in dresses and high heels. Probably even some make-up. They have not had to endure that torture so far. I love how everything is so fresh with kids. Wearing a fuzzy lion head makes them happy. Most adults would scoff at the idea of making a fool out of themselves. I can safely say that I make a fool out of myself at least once a day. It has now become a habit just to annoy my ten year old who thinks she is too cool for the rest of her family. Silliness helps to keep the mood light. It helps to keep smiles on the cutest little faces.

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