Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lookin' Good!

I loved this picture when I first saw it! It makes me think he is trying to be a tough, cool guy! Now, if only I could get them to take pictures together! I do have a few, it's just usually that someone is trying to get away, or someone is looking the other direction. That is basically how they co-exist as well. They do play together 90% of the day. The boys get along real well. Of course they have their moments like all siblings, but for the most part they genuinely like each other. Which is a good thing, since they are pretty much stuck doing everything together. Brenden seems to be the brother who comes up with the new ideas. While Garhett is more laid back and observant. Garhett watches what Brenden is doing and eventually decides whether or not he wants to participate. Usually he will wait long enough to see if anyone is coming to stop his brother before helping him out. More often than not, I find Brenden in the middle of the messes, and Garhett looking at him like, "I told you not to do it man!". Garhett does have his moments also, there just seems to be more Brenden moments!

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