Friday, June 4, 2010

Park Days

We are in full swing for summer now! I am lucky enough to be home with my kiddos! We will be doing the 1st Morrison Summer Challenge this summer. This entails the two oldest girls completing a challenge each day of their summer break. It is moms way of keeping them active and outside! No computer, t.v., Ipod,. I want them to experience summer and nice weather like kids should. There are too many children just sitting and doing NOTHING! Aside from the rewards that playing outside offers kids anyway, I am giving them incentives. If they complete a full weeks worth of challenges they will earn a weekend trip somewhere. The places we go will be up to them. They have written down a few already. Also, if they are able to complete the entire challenge without missing one day, they will receive one ULTIMATE prize. They also get to choose that. We do have somewhat of a limit though. Apryl was vying for a trip to Hawaii! I think they want to talk their Dad into buying them a trampoline. We shall see. So, here is hoping their summer is fun! Keeping my fingers crossed!

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