Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bossy Pants!

Here is our Addysen in her natural stance! She is great at ordering her little brothers around. She is also pretty good at telling her older sisters what to do. I am actually not sure what direction she is giving at this particular moment, but it looks very important! She does come by her bossiness quite honestly. After all, she sees her mom giving orders almost all day long. Then, she plays with her sisters, and Apryl has been known to give an order or two. Just ask Lexy! I like that she knows what she wants and how she wants it done. Others might find that quality a little off-putting. I just smile and take it all in. She does know who not to boss around, mommy! She has on occasion tried to get something from me in a manner not too friendly and she learned early on that wasn't going to work in her favor. So, now she will ask instead of telling me how something is going to work. It is never too early to teach the kids who wears the pants around the house. It did take a while for Matt to learn, but now that he knows, things run very smoothly! :)

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