Friday, June 11, 2010

Shaving Cream

The guys got a treat the other day. I allowed them to get as messy as they wanted. As you can see, Brenden went all out with the shaving cream. Garhett on the other hand, was wondering what the heck his mom put on his tray. He looked at his hands that way for most of the time, the rest of the time he whined until someone wiped his hands off. He did the same thing when we gave him a cupcake to tear into on his birthday. While B-man was devouring his cupcake, G was pushing it away! Brenden really got into the shaving cream though. He was slapping his hands into the piles of cream and running his cup through it also. He even had a play phone in his hand that we was still trying to play with. He liked giving me high fives and watching the shaving cream poof all over the place. He would laugh and laugh, and Garhett just sat there looking at him as if he were crazy! Eventually, Garhett just pleaded to get out of his seat. "Out, out!". He did like being cleaned off in the sink. I think he is more of a water baby rather than one who enjoys making messes. I hope he can come to grips with the dirt when we are camping!

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