Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Start the Countdown!

Now that we have hit December 1st, the countdown to Christmas is officially on! Each day the girls leave for school they can mark off another day closer to Christmas. The excitement generated by the holidays is magnified 100 times when you get to share them with children! They each have their Christmas lists ready for when they get to see Santa, and surprisingly, they are not too long! Apryl's list though is full of things that cost a bundle! She is our extravagant kiddo. Alexys on the other hand wants TOYS! Easy enough, so do the rest of the kids. The boys need clothes also, so I have a feeling Santa will be filling their stockings with t-shirts and socks, and maybe a little candy! This time of year is also a great time to clean out the toys and clothes that are no longer being used and give them away. We were able to give some of the boys clothing to their cousin, Landen, and everything else will go to Goodwill. It is nice to give and also nice to have some room again! We have already decorated the house, and will be visiting with Santa next weekend. Last year, only Apryl and Lexy sat on Santa's lap, I'm not sure if it will be any different this year. Addy has already told me that Santa is scary! And, for Santa's sake, the boys will not be ready to sit on his lap either! I would love to have a picture of all the kids with Santa! After all the visits with Santa are finished, we will grab a tree and set it up in!? That is the only place the tree can go and not be disturbed! I hope everyone has fun getting ready for their holidays, as soon as they are over, we have birthdays two days later!!

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