Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A is for Alexys

As most of you know Alexys is our second oldest daughter. She is a free spirit with a lot of fire. She is as some say, a person that marches to the beat of her own drum. I admire that about her. There are many great qualities about Lexy, like her genuine care and concern for EVERYTHING around her. She is very in tune with people's feelings and she is really focused on trying to save the planet in one way or another. As bubbly and outgoing a kid that she is, she also tends to have this dark little cloud hanging over her head. Although, her cloud is bedazzled and has I heart Justin Bieber written on it! Lexy is always the kiddo that can fall trying to sit on the couch. She does her homework and then forgets to put it in her folder. She has lost two library books already this year...wait we did find those! She has the uncanny knack of doing things at the worst time. Her brain will tell her it is okay to turn on a movie for the little people even though Daddy is watching a football game. This lead to an all out brawl over the t.v. this weekend. She is our child who leaves paint out, which her brothers have radar for. Every night I ask her to get her clothes out for school and she does almost every night. She did get her clothes out last night except her socks. This had her running all over the house searching for a pair of socks, then she's looking all over for her shoes! It may not have a big deal if we were not heading out the door early in order to take her to choir practice! I just said goodbye when she was getting into the car, "bye mommy, I love you!", she says. She is completely oblivious of the fact that she still has no socks on!

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