Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Older Ones!

These past few days along with the next few have been crammed full of activities. Alexys has had two choir concerts in the last week, which also required two extra rehearsals. Lexy had a field trip to Denver, and another to the Arvada Center. Yesterday, Matt and I went to the school for the selling session is Alexys' classroom they hold for their mini-society projects they do. This was a treat to be able to go during the middle of the day thanks to my hubby taking the day off. We were crazy enough however to bring all the little people along. Addy was great! The young men however, hit the ground running the moment we entered the school. They pretty much familiarized themselves with the entire layout of the school, which is good for future reference. I am certain there were a few people that were glad to see them leave the building. Today was the spelling bee, which Apryl was a part of. I think about all the studying we did, and of course she wasn't asked to spell any of those words! She did just fine anyway. Her first word was 'ace', pretty simple. When I told Matt what her first word was he asks me, "you mean like the regular ACE?" I said, "well, yes. What other ace do you know??" Thank goodness he wasn't helping her with the spelling words! I could tell she was bummed however when she did misspell her word. Next week brings us to Lexy's holiday play in which she is Kid #2! I love the parts they hand out to the students. Better than kid #3 I suppose! We will finish our week off with the classroom holiday parties. I always volunteer to bring the paper goods! It is just easier that way for me.

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