Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Long Night Ahead

I am fearful that we, my husband and I, are in for a long night. Nap time did not go well. When there is not a decent nap, I can usually count on an extra long evening. Kind of like the night the picture was taken. That is Garhett trying his best to escape his seat during dinner. Today I am not sure what brought about such an awful nap. I lied the boys down at their regular time, after they had eaten a good lunch. I like to feed them before napping, I feel like they sleep better. They both ate great, they each had half a PB&J with pineapple slices on the side. I actually cut up the pineapple this morning, and it is so good. Then everything went downhill from there. I don't bother giving the boys their cats or their blankets any more when they first get into bed seeing as how they just throw them back out. I have to wait a few minutes 0r forty for them to settle down a bit. Eventually I go back in and lie them both down and cover them with their favorite blankets and make sure they have their cats again. This attempt will last a little longer than the first. Lately, it has been Garhett who is waiting until his Brother lies down to grab his things and toss them out of the bed. Today was more difficult than usual. I don't think G-man ever went to sleep. I went back in their room a few more times, and I finally got Garhett settled. Next thing I know Brenden is up doing what his Brother was just doing. He probably couldn't fall asleep after I had to go in and out of the room 20 times and now he is wide awake! I guess we are going to have scrap the nap for today and maybe look for an earlier bed time. Fortunately, I will be at the grocery store tonight when the boys will be in their cranky moods!

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