Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dinner Music

Well, Thanksgiving turned out how I expected. Our boys were the loudest and most boisterous of all the guests. Going to someone else's house was like a free for all to our guys. When they are at home there are no longer any pretty nick-knacks left in their reach. There are boundaries they can not cross thanks to the gate. Take them out of this element and all hell breaks loose! Their Aunt Peggy went out of her way to find toys they would enjoy, she even grabbed Cheerios for them when they started to throw turkey across the table at their Great Grandma! Grandma says, "where did this come from??". I pointed at Matt's Grandpa, but they didn't buy it! I was sitting next to Garhett who decided he only liked cranberry sauce. By the time he had filled up on the cranberries our side of the table looked like a crime scene! I thought to myself, "this is exactly why we aren't invited back to many people's houses!" I was sure thankful for dinner to be done! It was awesome food though, and what the boys did eat I think they liked. I barely even remember speaking to anyone else. Then with dinner over, the boys excused themselves to play the piano. They both had a great time banging on the keys. Thank goodness, this is a "child friendly" piano. It was okay for them to be playing it. After piano playing grew tiring, they both wanted to go downstairs with the rest of the kiddos. I said it was fine for them to go down the stairs because they are good with them at home. I watched Garhett make his way backwards down the steps and when he neared the bottom stair I turned away. Of course he ends up face planting on a doll stroller and cuts his nose. Now he is screaming and bleeding. I think he did that just to make a liar out of me! Now I am getting ready to leave, it has been fun but I am exhausted! On top of everything, I am still not feeling well, and my Mother and I are crazy enough to be going shopping at 2:30 a.m. Matt and I get the boys into their pj's, start the car, round up the girls, say goodbye to everyone which takes us long enough for the boys to take their pajamas off and throw them at me!

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