Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh Boy!

I like how Brenden is still trying to talk even with his mouth full of popcorn! That is indicative of their personalities, B-man is more forward and outgoing while G-man is more laid back and content to observe. Although, when it comes to figuring out new things, Garhett still seems to be the first. He can work his way through most of his daily problems. Now, thank goodness for the shirts that snap at the crotch, or else he would be naked all day long. He has yet to work himself out of a "onesie". I am running into a problem myself because of his wanting to not wear a diaper, I have to make sure I have clean snapping shirts each day. Each morning they get up, the first thing Garhett does is start undressing. Brenden will at least stop when he gets to his diaper. So, because of this behavior I have started potty training Garhett. At the rate we are going, he will be three before we are done. It is an entirely new ball game when it comes to getting little boys out of diapers then it is girls. My guys are still too short to stand on a stool and reach the toilet. (by short I meant their height!) Because of this, they are sitting on the potty. However, this angle gives them a straight shot at the wall in front of them. I was in the bathroom with Garhett yelling to Matt, "do I need to push "it" down??" He just laughed and ultimately was no help. This is exactly the reason I decided to potty train them at separate times. Just a few weeks apart, my hope is that Brenden will want to do what his Brother is doing. We have a small break coming up next week with no school and I can stay at home all day and try to really focus on Garhett using to the potty. He has the lingo down, now to just get the motions down!

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