I don't know about any of you, but I have always watched television while sitting a laundry basket. Honest! Many people have stopped by our house and witnessed me sitting in a laundry basket watching Dr. Phil or Ghost Hunters. Okay, maybe not! These baskets are a favorite of both of the boys. They rank among the top when it comes to toys that aren't really meant to be toys! On that list would include, paper towel and toilet paper rolls, buckets, Tupperware, pots and pans, oh, and rocks! It is funny how many things they guys can find do to with the baskets. They have used them turned over in order to reach things that are put up high for a reason. They have pushed each other around the house, and also tried to push Addy. They also like to fill them up with a bunch of toys. All of these things happen after they have dumped the laundry OUT, clean or not! Seeing a laundry basket filled with a cute little boy, I know that somewhere there is laundry on the floor. Usually they throw out the clothes as they move, that way they are able to cover the entire house. Thank goodness we have a gate that keeps them away from the stairs, I figure it would only be a matter of time before they tried to push each other down. I assume Brenden would be the one in the basket!
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