Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Time Well Spent

Today, after school, I took the kiddos over to Grandma's house. The kids always like going over because it is a change of scenery and my oldest two get out of doing their chores! It is also a bit of a break for me. My Mom made pizzas from scratch for everyone! She says to me, "do you guys wanna stay for dinner?" I said, "if I don't have to cook, then YES!!" I don't know a mother of five who would turn down a night to have someone else do the cooking! That would be like asking me if it is alright for someone to clean my toilets! Well....Duh! Grandma's house also comes with toys included. Brenden and Garhett like to dump the toys out and sit in the buckets. They both played an interesting version of catch with Grandpa. They basically throw whatever it is they might be holding to Grandpa whether or not he is paying attention. Grandpa caught on quickly. He made sure to always have an eye on at least one boy. We usually have to really watch Brenden since he could quite possibly take some one's head off with that arm of his! They are both very fast, and they reload quickly. When the "catcher" is looking for the object they have failed to catch, the boys already have something else in hand to launch! Boy, I swear I have seen my life flash before my eyes a few times while trying to play catch with them! It is also beneficial to me to visit, because I get some much needed adult inter-action. I was talking so much, that I was excited when my Grandparents showed up so that I could retell my stories. I think it could be a good idea to have a 1-800 line for Mother's who need people to chat with throughout the day when no one else is available. I can only bug Matt at work so many times!!

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