Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Eve

Put together Taco Night with pumpkin carving and scary movie watching, you have a Morrison Halloween Eve!! Very spooky, I know! With five little people, we have to take what we can get. There is no more going to big people Halloween parties, unless our single friends plan them a month in advance, which never happens. Matt and I will get a call an hour before the party asking if we can make it. We both just look at each other like, yeah right, be right over!! We prefer to be with the kiddos anyway. It is funny how things change. It is more fun for us to make sure our children are having a good time than it is for us to go out and have to pay $6 for a beer!! If we both have a drink, that is the same price as a pack of diapers! Besides, look how cute Addy is as little Jason! Pumpkin carving done, I call Addysen into the kitchen to see what I have made of her pumpkin. She opted to stay in our bedroom and not participate because she thought the pumpkin "goop" was slimy and disgusting! She enters the kitchen and immediately begins to cry! Addy is yelling at me for what I have done to her pumpkin. Then, she says she wanted to scoop the goop, and wants to know why I am so mean!! "I wanted a happy jack pumpkin, not what Mommy did!" she says in between sobs! I was feeling like I was such a nice Mom for helping her out, unbeknownst to me, I was just being a complete idiot! Pumpkin carved and already lit, not much I could un-do! So, I just left the kitchen. The other pumpkins look great, and the girls had a fun time. Now, Matt and I have the mind-numbing task of getting the five of them ready for trick-or-treating tomorrow! Last year did not go too well as far as the boys were concerned, so we are crossing our fingers for a different outcome this year!

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