Sunday, October 17, 2010

100 Miles a Minute

Like usual, not the best picture of everyone together, but they are kinda hard to coordinate. We are making memories, and that is the most important part of all the things we set out to do together. It feels like life sometimes becomes what is in control of everyone, instead of us being in control of our lives. Our family calendar is jammed packed with things to do. It becomes overwhelming! I am so glad that Apryl is done with softball, I know that may not sound like a Mommy sort of thing to say, but it's the truth. She played well, and I cheered like any Mom does, it was just too much trying to juggle fall softball with school activities and family things. Her very first game she missed part of Addy's birthday along with the parade. I don't want to be responsible for taking my kiddos away from the things that make them my kiddos. There will always be another game to go to, there won't always be another birthday! Last week took a toll on all of us. We were running from here to there most of the week. We had parent/teacher conferences, which by the way went really well. Nothing better than listening to other people rave about your children! Everyone knows how good I am at raving about them! Then, Lexy had two sleep-overs, Apryl's softball games, and grocery store runs, normal stuff! I know that everyone who has kids does these things, my point is that saying no once in a while is probably an okay idea. That is a concept I am choosing to use more liberally as my kids get older. There is nothing wrong with admitting that their Dad and I just simply can't get everything done that they would like. It becomes exhausting to try and juggle five little schedules along with the things that need to be done on an every day basis. I know other Mother's know that feeling. It is that time when everything is a bother and you get frustrated and want to cry. Then, later we get to feel guilty for not doing enough, or for saying something we didn't mean. By the time I talk to my older two, and let them know I am sorry or that I am just tired, they have already forgotten what it is I am talking about! Our family is very big on "family time", I just want to make sure it is spent together because we want to, not because we are stuck in the car together!

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