I know that this is not a picture of any of our kiddos, but it is funny! Honestly, I don't have anything new taken of the family, so this is substituting! I was sitting with the boys this morning and we were watching Dora. They seemed really tuned in. Each time Dora would ask a question, they would answer her. Although, they always answer her with an emphatic, "NO!", it is an answer just the same. "C'mon, everyone, can you help Boots reach his hat??" asks Dora, and the boys reply, "NO!" Then, Dora, still being so polite, thanks them even though my children have done nothing to help! "No!", is their general reply to everything they hear on the t.v. Dora, Diego, Mickey Mouse, whomever it is, is going to be hard pressed to get my boys to clap when needed or to get them to jump up and down, or to even get them to shout in order to help out with the predicament. My guys don't just sit and watch an obscene amount of t.v., but they are allowed to watch some. I like the twenty minutes Max & Ruby gives me to clean up the kitchen, or fold some laundry. The last thing I want to do is spend all of their nap time cleaning! It took me a while to learn to not feel guilty for cleaning while they were awake. It used to make me feel as if I wasn't spending enough time with them. Now, I see it as a way for me to have a little more time to myself when they are sleeping if I already have the dishes done or the floors swept. Also, when Mom is not constantly hovering over them, they play rather nicely together. I can often times find them in their room playing and not even watching t.v. Today, that is where they were. I found them both hanging on either side of the outside of their crib, yelling "Boo!" to each other. Have I mentioned that they are a couple of monkeys??
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