Friday, July 23, 2010

You cut your what??

These are Addy's before and after pics of her "artful" hair cut. While Mom was making dinner Wednesday evening, Dad says, "where did all this hair come from?". I immediately thought, oh sh*t! Three weeks ago when she cut her hair I was able to hide it from the rest of the public. I was so upset that I didn't tell anyone, and nobody seemed to notice anyhow. This time was a whole different story. Her hair was falling into my hands in clumps. I was also finding a trail of hair on the floor. Just glancing at her made me cry. I was thinking in order to fix this she is going to end up looking like a boy! Then, our family reunion a is a week away, and you know how many pictures will be taken. For some weird reason or reasons, her chopping half her hair off bothered me immensely. I felt like someone had ran over my dog or something similar. I wasn't mad since I knew she didn't know what she was really doing. I was just so sad! Her hair was really cute, and had the sweetest little curls at the bottom. All of those curls are gone now. In order to bring her hair somewhat back to normal, Aunt Debbie had to trim a good portion of her hair. She has shoulder length hair now, and no curls. She is also sporting half a mullet! Last I checked she was not a redneck, but with this cut she may be mistaken for one! I am thankful that after Aunt Debbie's help she looks decent. This little girl has certainly been on a roll lately! Including the fit she threw in the middle of the street in Olde Town Arvada last night! You know, when kids go completely limp and won't move, that was her! Then to add to my misery and embarrassment, she was kicking and SCREAMING!! She yelled at me the entire way home, telling me how ridiculous I am, and how she is mad at me! Yes, she called me ridiculous along with telling me to "shut-up!". She knows that is not acceptable, and to that she said she didn't care! This is one of those nights where even Calgon couldn't have helped! I think only a shot of something strong would have made things better. That is the when you say to yourself, "I need a vacation!"

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