Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who's That Baby?

Every time our family goes out, our boys are always color coded. Actually, on occasion they have been dresses exactly alike. I tend to buy clothing for the boys that is similar but not exact. They usually dress in "their" colors. Garhett wears green, gray and he also reserves red. Brenden gets to have blue, black or brown. If one guy is decked out in his color than the other does have the option of varying his usual color. This applies when I shop for them. There have been times when clothes don't come in the colors I need. So, I will find one in blue and buy the other in orange. It works because people are looking for a specific color on at least one boy. These people are Grandma's and Grandpa's, Aunt's and Uncle's, cousins and even their sister's! Our friends go without saying, they are clueless! Just yesterday the color-coding proved very effective. Addysen was crying and I asked her what was wrong. She says to me, "the baby pulled my hair!". I told her how sorry I was. She then said, "the BLUE one did it!"!!! I hope this doesn't give them a complex!

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