Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I have a feeling we all feel this way now and again. It looks as though Garhett has had enough of his day. That is until it actually comes time to go to bed. I can only imagine what it is like to be in the middle of playing catch with Daddy outside, and suddenly everything stops because you have to go and brush your teeth. To add insult to injury, you get tossed in bed and left with your brother...again! We had a good day, a long day, but nonetheless a good one. Mom is tired and it is bedtime. Tomorrow is another opportunity for the boys to wreak havoc on the house and each other. There are so many endless cycles in this house that it can be totally overwhelming some days. Just when I think the laundry is done, I turn around and there sits a full basket. It is as if the basket were hiding from me and as soon as it saw me take a breath, it leaped from behind a door~~"ha-ha", says the laundry! Dishes kinda run the same way. They technically could be done twice a day, with breakfast and dinner dishes. I however, only have energy to tackle them in the morning. All other household chores are done when I can get to them. Sweeping though, is also a daily event. Much of the boys meals ends up on the floor, and it is not pleasant to walk through chewed up food. At least not to me, that is why I don't throw food on the floor. I am thinking of looking into house cleaners, I just hope they don't charge more for the number of people living in the house!

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