Sunday, July 25, 2010


Yesterday was the day our youngest son became the family bully. He has resorted to pushing Addysen out of the way whenever he feels she is getting to close, and let's not forget all the hair pulling he does. (Well with what hair she has left!) Then we have his aggressiveness towards his brother. While they were both sitting in their stroller side by side, Brenden grabbed as big a handful of Garhett's hair as he could! He was pulling so hard that Garhett's head was leaning to one side. Poor G-Man was just sitting there looking so sad. Of course Mom, and even Grandma were telling Brenden to let go, but only until I physically removed his hand did he let go. Then, Brenden preceded to pinch his older brother! I was in shock. He was grabbing his shirt and pulling Garhett closer so he could get a better grip on him. He was going crazy on Garhett, who was just minding his own business. This also included slapping his brother in the face! I was right next to Brenden trying to make sure that he wasn't hurting Garhett, but the second I let go of his hand he would do something mean to him. I can't say what exactly got into B-Man yesterday, all I can say is, he is lucky he is also my son because I would have liked to have thrown him across the room. That is where I have an issue. Both of the children involved in whatever incident we are having are mine! I start out with mixed emotions. I am obviously feeling hurt for the little man who is being picked on, and upset with the "picker", but the picker is mine to! Which makes it harder to be mad with him. I certainly talked with Brenden and let him know that what he was doing was not nice and is not acceptable. I feel that Garhett is looking for someone to say something on his behalf. I don't want Garhett to feel that his parents tolerate that type of behavior from anyone. After talking with Brenden in a stern voice, tears welled up in his eyes and he started crying as if I had just broken his heart. Trust me, if I didn't feel like crap already, I did then. So, because Brenden is crying and upset, Garhett starts up also. He doesn't like when Brenden is sad, which is why he is now crying! Sometimes a parent just can't win. All the crying and tears did subside eventually and the boys went on to play very nicely together at the dinosaur area. They also got to meet Trevor Pryce who used to play for the Denver Broncos!! He was #93 and he is a huge man! Extremely nice and gracious enough to say hello to all our kiddos. He really seemed to like Apryl, he talked with her for a little while. All and all the day was good!

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