Monday, June 6, 2011

Mommy Time

Recently I have had the privilege of getting out of the house more and more WITHOUT kiddos. Normally where I go, they comes with mommy territory. But, after having the boys and having gone through some postpartum stuff after their birth, two and a half years later I am finally ready and very willing to have time with the girls. It is not that I wanted to wait so long to regain pieces of myself, in all honesty, it doesn't seem that long until you say it out loud, time just creeps up on you before you know it. Now, though, we have our own girls night out group and we have been rather consistent about getting out. What I realized is that each one of us girls has our own reasons why we look forward so much to each outing. I am not crazy for wanting some time amongst adults, women adults. There is a difference, probably many, between the conversations I may have with my girls and the ones I have with my hubby. I think the levels of understanding are much different as well. This is not a jab at my husband, he knows there are certain things that he just can't relate to, even though he tries! Also, I can not bitch to him about him, that would defeat the purpose! I know you are all thinking, "what could she possibly have to bitch about being married to Matt??" It's hard, but I do find things on occasion to complain about! :) Anyway, I wanted to let MY girls know, and the four of them know who they are, how much I appreciate our times together, all the laughing and the listening. I love you ladies and I hope we keep our nights out going for years and years to come!

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