Monday, June 20, 2011

Mr. Manners

Trying to teach our little boys manners has been as tough as teaching Lexy to use her indoor voice...not very easy! Both boys have a few things in the bag, they both say "bless you" whenever someone sneezes, which is adorable. They both are quick to say sorry when they hurt the other or usually after they have ganged up on Addy. Garhett and Brenden are also very polite when company is over, at least for a while anyway. Once the two of them are comfortable with our guests, their true two year old colors shine through! They go through some sort of transformation and become gross and vile little humans running wildly around our house. Both boys have started spitting, and for whatever reason, they love to spit. Just this morning while I was cleaning the kitchen, they spit the entire contents of their cups all over the floor and the wall. Their mother then confiscated their cups and they may never see them again! Our guys hit each other regularly as well. Sometimes it seems as if they are enjoying smacking the crap out of one another because they are giggling and laughing. I have a problem with this "hitting" game because they assume everyone enjoys being bitch slapped in the face which is only a myth. I for one could do without the smack mommy if the face game. I'm thinking about what else our little monsters do that is rude and I keep coming back to their newest play's the same thing that is their father's favorite play toy! I was trying to talk to the boys about "penis manners" over the weekend. I can guarantee it was a waste of time and energy, as nothing has changed. I just can't help thinking about all of the things their little hands are touching after they have been holding themselves all day long. Since they are both potty training, and actually doing pretty well, both boys are not fond of wearing their undies. Brenden and Garhett prefer to be in their birthday suits, which is fine until they try to go outside and play. If they only knew how cute their bottoms look in their underwear. For now I will carry my pocket sized Lysol and spray the heck out of everything!

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