Saturday, February 5, 2011

Up and Running

Okay!! We are back again! A little trouble with my old computer was keeping me from logging on and being able to share our daily happenings. Fret no longer, I can once again share with everyone! It was weird how much I missed being able to write about things that go on in our home. I didn't realize what an outlet this is until it was gone...kinda how a lot of realizations are made throughout life. Our little old family of seven is still plugging away and everyone has been just fine. Our boys are totally on their own in their big boy beds, and to our surprise they have done remarkably well. I can only remember one time when they tried to sneak out of bed to play. Other than that, it has been a really smooth transition. All five of our kiddos like their sleep, they take after their Mother that way. I can fall asleep anywhere! Matt doesn't even bother taking me to the movies anymore, he says it is a waste of money! Our Boomba, (or Addy for those of you who do not know her as Boomba) is now signed up for pre-school. It was nice to get her ready for school seeing how excited she is. For me though, it is just another step towards Motherhood being over. Yes, I know that may sound a tad dramatic, but each milestone my kiddos hit feels like something is being taken away from me personally. The older they get and the more self-sufficient they become, the less they need me. Now I am always thrilled to see my children succeed, change is just so darned hard sometimes. Although having them change from diapers to underwear was really easy! Anyway, it's nice to be back, and we are all looking forward to the Super Bowl game tomorrow. I think in the picture, Brenden is demonstrating to Garhett how the Broncos must have been wearing their helmets this last season!

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