Thursday, February 17, 2011

Five Out of Five

Took the boys to the doctor on Tuesday and they too were positive for strep throat. I wasn't surprised. I also couldn't decide if it was that bad of a thing. Is it better to have all five sick at the same time rather than dragging it out for weeks? I remember hearing stories from my Grandparents about how they would expose their non sick children intentionally just to get illnesses over with. Even talking to my Dad yesterday he clearly remembered being exposed to chicken pox when a cousin of his was sick. Now, there is a shot for chicken pox and none of my kiddos have had that...the one thing they haven't had! We seem to be on the mend with four of the kiddos. Alexys went back to school and her nose has given her a break. Addy is returning to her sweet little self, and the boys, who didn't seem too sick to begin with are doing great. The four of them even played outside for quite a while yesterday afternoon, while Apryl watched them from the couch. She is just not getting any relief. I had to take her to the urgent care again for her migraine. This time she had to endure many neurological tests. Her doctor tells me they are trying to rule out a tumor, I felt my stomach drop. Then, we are told she may need to have a spinal tap to check for meningitis even though she isn't really presenting like she has meningitis. Apryl was lucky enough to start to feel better with IV meds and they decided not to do a spinal tap, thank goodness. So, for now, she is on some pretty good drugs to help with the migraine and we are to give them a week. After that if the migraines continue she needs to seen again. So everyone keep her in your thoughts and your fingers crossed!

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