Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blueberry Spill

Well we still have sick kiddos, and I am thinking a trip to the doctor might be in order. There is only so much I can try to make them feel better, and not much seems to be helping any longer. Aside from the kids being ill, they are whiny and cranky. Spending day after day with these kiddos and their colds has taken its toll on their Mother. I am now also cranky and having sympathy pains. I could swear my throat is trying to hurt because Apryl has a sore throat. I ran a fever for a few hours in order to relate to Addy and her fever. I can take a little sickness as long as it goes away as fast as it came on. Five sick people with a bunch of demands wears on even the most patient of person. Addysen must have entered into her "terrible three" phase somewhere along the duration of this cold. She has been such a pill today! She breaks down at the drop of a hat lately and can carry on whining and crying for hours. It drives me crazy to say the least. Tonight she wanted to eat a pudding cup which was fine, while she was getting her pudding out of the fridge she spilled a pint of blueberries. The berries rolled all over the kitchen floor. I went in to help her pick them up, but she had already squished a good portion of them with her boots she was wearing. She also was refusing to help me pick them up, so this irritated me. I hate when I feel so frustrated with my kiddos. I feel awful for a long time after shouting at them, and it makes me feel like a bad Mommy. On top of everything she doesn't feel well. I guess I will not be winning awards for best Mother any time soon!

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