Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I will start this off with a warning to you, the reader, I am going to complain off and on throughout this blog. I have come to the end of my rope with the boys' whining!! I am thinking that it seems so much more because there are two of them whining about twice as much. While I am very thankful they are potty trained and can entertain themselves quite a lot, the times when they are in a "mood" I either need earplugs or a screwdriver to shove in my ears! I am quite certain our girls went through this same stage, but my GOSH, the boys are sure dragging this out!!! They can whine about anything and everything! When they get started whining, sometimes there is nothing that can make them stop. I sometimes think about dog owners who have clipped the vocal cords of their dogs and I begin to understand why! (Please don't do that to your pet, just an analogy!!) Whoever coined the term "Terrible Twos" was totally wrong, it should be "Terrible Twos and Threes"!! These boys have mastered the art of whining, if you can call it an art. They both can whine about every little thing that is a part of their days. From who is playing with which toy, to what snack they are going to have, they even whine about which bathroom they are using. I have been trying to encourage them to speak like big boys, and telling them that whining is for babies...most of the time to no avail. I am not sure what they gain from all this whining because I do not give in to it! Because I stand my ground, they torture me with MORE whining! I can not parent effectively when I am covering my ears! I know that in reality they do not JUST whine, but it sure feels like it some days. They are especially good from 8:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.---um, yeah, they are sleeping! We have those days when neither of them seem to remember how to talk, and they spend the entire day following me around while whining. This whining thing has become one of my biggest pet peeves very quickly. It can drive me nuts. They seem to know when I am busiest (dinner time) and choose that time to intensify the whining. I could just scream!! Thankfully, things calm down when everyone starts eating, that is if they are not whining about what I made for dinner. There are days when bedtime couldn't come soon enough! Again, bedtime is their last opportunity of the day to whine their requests. "Water, I need my guys, turn the light on..." Ughh, I said to Matt, "when did we start running a hotel??" These little men think that they have nightly room service. They are in for a surprise because that is stopping TO-NIGHT!! I love my guys very much, I just want this stage of their growing up to be done with real soon!!

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