Thursday, January 26, 2012

Checking Up

This past Tuesday the boys had their three year check ups. In the elevator I said to Matt how unbelievable it was that our little men were already three! These past few years have seem go by in a hurry and incredibly slow at the same time. I guess the perception of the speed comes with each given day, whether it has been great or not so great! Upon entering the doctor office, both boys immediately drop the toys they "had to have" and head directly for the office loot! Mom is then given two packets, both five pages front and back to fill out letting them know all about our guys. I quickly decided only to fill out one. If there were some significant differences between our boys other than personality wise, I would most definitely fill out both. Turns out, both boys are 36 1/2" in height and weigh 33 lbs....hence why I chose to only go with one packet. The battery of tests that ensued during their visits were mostly routine, blood pressure, heart rate, hearing and vision screening. Let's take a moment to talk about the vision and hearing screenings, while I do find them necessary and very important, it was very fun to watch the young nurse try and get them to cooperate. She was probably very fresh out of school and they immediately threw her to the wolves, i.e. our twin boys! I am imagining one of her senior co-workers saying, "why don't you go and give these three year old boys a vision and hearing screening?". Then laughing as she happily walked toward our room! She started with the eye test. Garhett was liking the attention he was getting from her, but not too interested in telling what shapes he could see. She then decided to try the letter side of the chart, which should be fine since he does know his letters, but he only gave her one answer--H, the rest came from Addy which the nurse thought was Garhett! Matt and I exchanged glances and smiled! With that test done we moved on to the hearing portion of the event! Brenden was given cart blanche to hit his dad every time he heard a beep. This rapidly turned into a game of let's smack the hell out of daddy, who cares if I hear a beep or not!! Also, I think it is helpful if the other people in the room are QUIET!! Garhett had by this time moved a chair under the window and was shouting out every single thing he saw outside! This of course was more attention grabbing for Brenden than the hearing test and the now annoying nurse! She really tried very hard, but they may want to rethink the age at which they try to administer certain tests, or at least take them to separate rooms during said tests! In the end, Matt and I did the eye tests ourselves for the boys and both had no trouble seeing the chart. As far as their hearing is concerned, like our other children, I am still not sure they could ever hear that well and their hearing seems to be getting worse with each passing day!

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