Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rockies Game

Matt and I took our oldest ladies to the Rockies game last night, and we had an awesome time. Aside from the famous players out on the field, Matt and I were sitting next to a couple of celebrities as well!! Yes, if you look closely at the picture on the left, that is Apryl and Alexys on the big screen! I was able to time my picture taking abilities perfectly and snap a photo as they were jumping around acting like clowns. We stayed for the entire thirteen inning game, and I guess the camera guy ran out of other idiots to put up on the jumbo tron. It's either that or he was tired of them screaming at him. Either way, they were totally excited and have been talking about their 15 seconds of fame most of the morning. In fact, Alexys said that was her favorite part of the night. Never mind the amazing win. I think they also really enjoyed getting to hang out with mom and dad. Who am I kidding? They liked their dippin-dots more than their mom and dad! All in all, we each had a really nice night and the awesome seats didn't hurt either because I could actually see most of what was going on! Oh, I also appreciated the MVP parking pass, I know some of you can relate to that! I am not to fond of the hike that comes with going to some these Denver venues, but we had across the street parking last night, and it was wonderful!

Monday, June 27, 2011

How Crafty

Since 0ur oldest two are home from school right now, I try my hardest to keep them entertained. I do not go out of my way to find things for them to do and I also expect that since they are a little older than the rest, they can find things to do on their own. That does not mean I haven't spent any time with Apes and Alexys. The girls and I have made chocolate covered rice crispies treats, we made a giant sized kid car wash, took on the task of making a very special Fathers Day dinner and today we are in the middle of making t-shirts for the Fourth of July. This t-shirt project is totally new for us, so we are learning what not to do as we go. I have never really thought of myself as a "Martha Stewart" type, but I can totally see Martha busting out some contact paper and making a firework t-shirt too! It's a good thing! What I am beginning to wonder is, how long does fabric paint stay on your hands? With one shirt down and four to go, or maybe I should make Matt one also, it will be fun to see what designs Apryl and Lexy come up with. Addysen said she would like a Merhorse? Not sure what that is but it doesn't sound very patriotic so I think I will help guide her in another direction!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What did he say?

It is funny to watch this video and realize I may be alone when it comes to understanding our boys. Addy starts things off with one of her signature weirdo dances and then the boys take over with their adorably messy faces. Everyone at this point of the evening was enjoying some homemade rice crispies treats that I also dipped in chocolate. Of course the treats were fat free and had zero calories which meant I could have as many as I wanted! Giving the boys a treat and also having them buckled in their seats, I was able to get them to sit still, somewhat. It was fun to ask them a couple of questions and receive actual answers! Seeing as how our little guys are part Energizer Bunny it is not very often that they are not moving or throwing something. If our guys weren't running crazily throughout the house I would be concerned, so I will just make sure to have a glass of wine ready when they go to bed...or a bottle depending on the day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mr. Manners

Trying to teach our little boys manners has been as tough as teaching Lexy to use her indoor voice...not very easy! Both boys have a few things in the bag, they both say "bless you" whenever someone sneezes, which is adorable. They both are quick to say sorry when they hurt the other or usually after they have ganged up on Addy. Garhett and Brenden are also very polite when company is over, at least for a while anyway. Once the two of them are comfortable with our guests, their true two year old colors shine through! They go through some sort of transformation and become gross and vile little humans running wildly around our house. Both boys have started spitting, and for whatever reason, they love to spit. Just this morning while I was cleaning the kitchen, they spit the entire contents of their cups all over the floor and the wall. Their mother then confiscated their cups and they may never see them again! Our guys hit each other regularly as well. Sometimes it seems as if they are enjoying smacking the crap out of one another because they are giggling and laughing. I have a problem with this "hitting" game because they assume everyone enjoys being bitch slapped in the face which is only a myth. I for one could do without the smack mommy if the face game. I'm thinking about what else our little monsters do that is rude and I keep coming back to their newest play's the same thing that is their father's favorite play toy! I was trying to talk to the boys about "penis manners" over the weekend. I can guarantee it was a waste of time and energy, as nothing has changed. I just can't help thinking about all of the things their little hands are touching after they have been holding themselves all day long. Since they are both potty training, and actually doing pretty well, both boys are not fond of wearing their undies. Brenden and Garhett prefer to be in their birthday suits, which is fine until they try to go outside and play. If they only knew how cute their bottoms look in their underwear. For now I will carry my pocket sized Lysol and spray the heck out of everything!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wake Up Call

This morning I felt inclined to wake my two oldest sleeping beauties with the help of my sons and their cousin. We ambushed them in the playroom with a few very sweet "good mornings". I then proceeded to let them know I was not pleased about the playroom and basement not receiving any attention yesterday. I ask that our girls take ten minutes each day and simply straighten things up, and maybe put toys away. Obviously they both forgot about that little desire of mine and both rooms are headed for disaster. Now if I hadn't just helped them clean the basement, which took an entire afternoon, it might not mean as much to me. I will help them if they can manage to keep it up themselves for a while. Also, I know the boys and Addy are playing down there as well, so it is only fair that I help a little. When the basement is left until it looks like a bomb went off and there are scientific molds being grown in the cups the girls leave downstairs, that is when I start to have a bit of a melt down. I also hate having to waste a perfectly fine day with CLEANING! I do enough cleaning on a regular basis. I like to play with my kiddos and leave the house occasionally. As I write, there is a buzz of activity going on around me to get the basement back up to par! I have faith in my girls, they can get things done!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In the Process

I have one again started the potty training process. It is going better than our first attempt, which gives me hope that both boys will be wearing their "big boy" underwear when they graduate! Both little guys have had multiple successes on the potty, it's just a matter of consistency. It is hard to keep them out of a diaper when we have to go places. I don't trust them fully yet to tell me they have to go if we are not at home, and being away from their potty over the weekend kinda put the training on the back burner. Back at home now, and once again they are running around naked from the waste down, and that is only when I can make them wear a shirt! Neither of the boys has gotten used to their undies. I guess it's similar to a young girl getting used to wearing a bra, not very comfortable! Seeing the boys in their birthday suits with a pair of cowboy boots on is pretty adorable, I just hope Matt doesn't get any ideas! Soon we should have the very last stage of baby-hood out of the Morrison household and be focusing only on toddler-hood. I might even have to have a "we are finally done with diapers" party for Matt and myself!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Good Weekend

Our family was busy, busy, busy this past weekend. I somehow managed to rope half of our family into helping clean out my grandparents basement and then host a garage sale. Many members of my family came together about a month and a half ago to start clearing out the basement. When we really got into the thick of things it was amazing to see how many grand ideas my grandfather had for his "man cave". Unfortunately, like many of us, he wasn't able to full fill his own wishes. It would have been wonderful if he had been able to, but time crept up on him a little to suddenly...I'm sure my grandmother would have a different take on that! Rifling through some of their treasures gave me a new understanding of how my grandparents came to be the magnificent people they are today. The basement held many pieces of all of the hard work they put into their family and their lives together. It was nice for my mom also, she took a trip down memory lane each time she picked something up. Having Apryl come along a few times was nice for me, she was a fresh person for my mom to retell her tales to! Apryl brings a younger perspective along with her as well. She has an uncanny knack of making anyone feel old! Like when my mom was showing Apryl the telephone table that used to be in her home where she grew up, Apryl asked, "why would a telephone need a TABLE?" Apryl also tends to date items a few decades OLDER than they actually are. I can say with 100 percent certainty that it will be a long while before I have another garage sale. I never knew how hard it would be to put a price on memories!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mommy Time

Recently I have had the privilege of getting out of the house more and more WITHOUT kiddos. Normally where I go, they comes with mommy territory. But, after having the boys and having gone through some postpartum stuff after their birth, two and a half years later I am finally ready and very willing to have time with the girls. It is not that I wanted to wait so long to regain pieces of myself, in all honesty, it doesn't seem that long until you say it out loud, time just creeps up on you before you know it. Now, though, we have our own girls night out group and we have been rather consistent about getting out. What I realized is that each one of us girls has our own reasons why we look forward so much to each outing. I am not crazy for wanting some time amongst adults, women adults. There is a difference, probably many, between the conversations I may have with my girls and the ones I have with my hubby. I think the levels of understanding are much different as well. This is not a jab at my husband, he knows there are certain things that he just can't relate to, even though he tries! Also, I can not bitch to him about him, that would defeat the purpose! I know you are all thinking, "what could she possibly have to bitch about being married to Matt??" It's hard, but I do find things on occasion to complain about! :) Anyway, I wanted to let MY girls know, and the four of them know who they are, how much I appreciate our times together, all the laughing and the listening. I love you ladies and I hope we keep our nights out going for years and years to come!