Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11 on the 11th

Today marks the 11th anniversary of the day that I became a mother! Even though I was already warned about time going very fast when kiddos arrive, it is still unbelievable how true that statement is! Time does fly when your having fun! This morning I wanted to sneak up on Apryl and wake her with a wonderful rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song I had come with all by myself, but when I got to the bottom of the stairs and tripped on a plastic dollhouse that then shot across the floor and hit the wall like it had been shot out of a cannon, that plan kind of went by the wayside. Oh, also the few expletives that escaped my mouth at the moment of impact didn't help either! Nevertheless, I did make it her room. Apryl and I reminisced a little about the day she was born and the feelings I had after becoming a new mom. Then, she showed me where she placed her newest tea cup she received from her great grandparents. I told her I loved her and how proud I am to be her mom, and I tried not to cry. I swear, the older I get the more I cry...about everything. I then went back upstairs to cry to my husband about how big our daughter is and how in no time I will be going downstairs to wake her on her 18th birthday! Happy Birthday to our Apryl!! We love you Apes!

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