Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have learned from watching my kiddos that forgiveness is not always so easy. They are stubborn and can be quite the block-head sometimes. I have also seen them rush over to the person they have wronged and apologize most sincerely. I am guessing that somewhere in the midst of my "worldly" advice and conversations about such things, they have managed to retain a little of what I was spouting out. That is very good for them, perhaps I should have retained some of that info as well. All the times that I have tried to set good examples, and be a good human being in general can just fly out of the window in heartbeat and are replaced with all of the things I have been preaching about not doing! I have let myself down, and have recently done and said things that I have warned my kiddos not to do on many occasions. My little voice of reason shut itself off completely and I ended up looking like a fool. I am one who feels taking responsibility for your actions is a very important part of being a good and decent person...so that is what I am doing. I am sorry for the things our kiddos had to witness from their mother, and also to a select few of my other family members. I could say I let the situation get the best of me, but that would be an excuse, I am the one who chose to get upset and say things that are out of character. I am mostly hurt by going against what I feel I DO stand for. I let myself down as a person and mostly as a mommy. I will probably beat myself up for a while, because that is what I tend to do. In all honesty the "situation" is behind me, and I can live with the outcome, it did feel good to finally have an outlet to say some things that really needed to be said, it is the manner in which it was done that is embarrassing and disappointing. I wanted to show my kiddos a good way to solve conflict and that display was no where near what I have envisioned. Once again, I apologize to my children, I am so very sorry!! I love you very much!

Friday, May 27, 2011


The concept of sharing is a really good thing to teach young children, and the idea of sharing looks good on paper. When we get right down to the heart of sharing, our kiddos are right...it sucks!! Our boys seem to get the short end of the sharing stick. There are never enough of certain items to go around. I try to always buy two of everything, and even three of some items because Addysen has similar likes, hoping to avoid a melt down. Sometimes even though each little person has his or her own object, this still does not remove the threat of a melt down. Example, nice and thoughtful mommy brings home three pairs of sunglasses, hear that..THREE pairs, one of which is pink with flowers, two are camo and clearly for a little man. Addy is blissfully wearing her glasses, no problem. Garhett and Brenden have engaged in WWV or six or seven, not sure which, over the other two pair of IDENTICAL sunglasses. I try doing fake magic tricks like switching the glasses behind my back and then handing them out again, I tried encouraging the boys to trade on their own, I tried to show them that they were exactly the same, nothing worked. They each wanted what the other had but were not willing to give up what they had in their hands. Sometimes they make me regret even buying surprises and treats for them. There are also the times when there is only one of something they both absolutely have to have in order to survive their day! Last night it was a key ring flashlight. It is pretty cool I have to admit, it blinks also and that is what they like the most, but after last night I was ready to toss that damn flashlight in the street and run it over a few hundred times. I understand that certain toys in our house trend at different times, but the days when all three are fighting and screaming, I would be okay with donating everything they have and letting them play with sock puppets from then on! I am trying to be sympathetic, I understand not wanting to share. I do not always want to share either. "Can I have a drink?", that is my least favorite thing to share due to the backwash that comes with sharing a drink with a little person. They usually end up having the rest! Why can't they ask if they could share in helping with the household chores? I will go ahead and keep dreaming!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hats For Bats

Here we have Garhett once again wearing a hat! This particular hat actually belongs to his oldest sister Apryl. I can call her the oldest for a little while longer... :) I don't think Apryl has yet had a chance to wear the hat. Garhett saw this hat and was taken by it. He calls it his "cowboy" hat. His dad was not sure if Garhett should be allowed to wear the hat in public, mostly due to the pink accents. But, as you can see, Garhett put up quite a fight and wore his cowboy hat to the zoo the next day! When the kiddos dress up and want to take their look on the road with us it doesn't bother me a bit. Addysen picked out her own outfit yesterday and it was awful! She just simply picked out her favorite pants and her favorite shirt, it didn't matter if they matched. I had to stop myself from bursting her bubble when she came out to show me that she had gotten dressed all by herself. I was happy for her accomplishment. I can also remember Alexys being a very creative dresser. There were a few weeks when she was in love with a pair of mermaid goggles and wouldn't leave the house without them on her face. It was very difficult to talk to her seriously. She would ask me why people were laughing at her, I told her it was because she was so cute. It was crazy to me how she was totally oblivious to the real answer. I guess the tradition of dressing up in their own fashion continues on with her little sister and brothers. I can't forget to add Brendens Mr. Freeze helmet. If you haven't seen him in this helmet it is pretty funny. Brenden wears it like it his job to wear a helmet. It's not even an actual helmet, it's just a clear plastic piece from another toy that happens to fit on his head. Safely of course. He also takes his Mr. Freeze helmet with him all over. I can take the funny looks and smiles the kiddos are not noticing they receive if wearing something different makes them feel good.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Big Guys

Last night at dinner Garhett told me that his food was delicious, I nearly cried. It sounds so sweet when my littlest people tell me things like that. He could have asked for a puppy and a trampoline and probably had a good shot at getting, well at least one! I feel that both boys have grown old enough to know how to "work" their mommy. Garhett does this daily by sporting his Yankees hat. Both guys love to wear hats, but lately G-man will only wear his Yankee hat. He will sleep with his hat on and he makes certain to be wearing his hat when we are leaving. He asks for his hat whenever he can't seem to find it, "Ankee hat??". I can see the pride on his father's face each day his son is paying tribute to his favorite team. Matt is beaming and puffing his chest a little more than usual now that his heir will carry on his tradition of becoming completely enthralled with sports and devoting 162 days a year to baseball! I think though, to Garhett he is just wearing a hat because he likes wearing hats!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Going For a Walk

Now that our boys know how to open the front door (they can unlock it as well, so save that piece of advice) they seem to be outside more and more. They are not shy, as they have been out front with only their diapers on. Hopefully soon that will be underwear! As soon as that screen door opens they run as if they are escaping from prison. Both boys shoot out the door and up the sidewalk, usually in the direction of our neighbor to the East, I think it is because they enjoy teasing his dog. Due to our new set of circumstances I am now making a point to getting out each morning and take them on a walk. We do get to play outside each day anyway, but now they seem to crave more nature. Today was a nice cool morning and we set off with mommy in the middle. Brenden likes to be the leader and direct us which way to go. Addysen still likes to hold my hand and needs my legs to hide behind from cars. Garhett only lags behind because he is interested in everything. He likes to watch the birds fly, and he will watch an airplane until he can no longer see it. G-man also likes to pick up rocks and sticks, and to pull leaves off trees. Walks with the little people can at times feel like herding cattle. I particularly hate when they get too far apart. You never know when one of them will get a wild hair and run straight into the street. I don't usually have to worry about Addy, just those twin boys. Getting outside is so important, and they have a lot of fun. Today Addysen found a roly poly and showed it to her brothers. Garhett was immediately interested. He picked it up and laughed when it turned into a ball. We watched the roly poly for a few minutes until I couldn't find it anymore. I asked Garhett where the roly poly had gone and he said, "hole." He was also gesturing towards the sewer drain, so I guessed that he had dropped it in there. Unfortunately, the roly poly had an early exit from this world. In the end, Garhett and Addysen were able to bounce back from the tragedy the roly poly suffered and we made it back home.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Little Darlings

As I am trying to sit and write my little people are doing everything in their power to make sure I notice them. All three have finished with lunch and have now moved on to acting like puppies. The three of them are crawling on the ground bringing me random objects, using their mouths to carry said objects, they are also barking and whimpering the way they think dogs do! It has been a productive but long morning. Brenden has changed his dress, yes dress, a number of times already, and Garhett has managed to hide the book I have been reading. I found all of them huddled in my bathroom playing with tampons, not sure why they felt that would be fun but I guess it was a change of pace from eating toothpaste! They then thought climbing on mommy's bed and throwing all the folded laundry off would make up for playing with the feminine products. It did not! That was the last straw for me and I talked very sternly to each of them and asked them to get the hell out of my....oh wait, that is what I felt like saying! I did however manage to get my point across and they shot out of my room straight to their room and slammed the door. Only a few seconds passed before someone was brave enough to open the door and peek out. Addysen, of course. She, being the spokesperson for the group, told me that I was too loud and needed a time-out! I was inclined to agree with her, a time-out sounded wonderful! Things can always get worse, the boys could refuse to take a nap! Speaking of which, I believe it is time to toss a couple of lively little men into their beds! I generally have to chase them and subdue them before I get them down for a nap. After that I can resume my search for the book!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Are They Triplets

Recently I have been asked more and more if our three littlest people are triplets. Looking at this picture I can see why many people might think that. All of our kiddos look alike, you can tell that they are brothers and sisters, but the three little ones are so close in age that people aren't sure about them. It is neat to have the experience of raising twins but triplets would be a whole other ball game! For instance, Addy is totally potty trained and has been for quite some time. Also, I can understand her more more than I can her brothers. Thinking about adding another little monster boy to this mix is what makes me happy we only had twins! Addysen and I were sitting and listening to the boys talk with one another and she asked ME what they were saying! I was thinking the same thing. So I am guessing if they were actually triplets Addy wouldn't have to ask me what her brothers were talking about. I like that they get to grow up with each other, and so far they boys have not made Addysen feel like an outsider.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

11 on the 11th

Today marks the 11th anniversary of the day that I became a mother! Even though I was already warned about time going very fast when kiddos arrive, it is still unbelievable how true that statement is! Time does fly when your having fun! This morning I wanted to sneak up on Apryl and wake her with a wonderful rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song I had come with all by myself, but when I got to the bottom of the stairs and tripped on a plastic dollhouse that then shot across the floor and hit the wall like it had been shot out of a cannon, that plan kind of went by the wayside. Oh, also the few expletives that escaped my mouth at the moment of impact didn't help either! Nevertheless, I did make it her room. Apryl and I reminisced a little about the day she was born and the feelings I had after becoming a new mom. Then, she showed me where she placed her newest tea cup she received from her great grandparents. I told her I loved her and how proud I am to be her mom, and I tried not to cry. I swear, the older I get the more I cry...about everything. I then went back upstairs to cry to my husband about how big our daughter is and how in no time I will be going downstairs to wake her on her 18th birthday! Happy Birthday to our Apryl!! We love you Apes!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Next Holiday

With Easter over and done with we move on to our next celebration or two. Mothers' Day is looming on the horizon and that becomes more special as the kiddos get older. When they are little like our boys and Addy the concept is lost on them, but then so are their own birthdays! I know Mothers Day is not supposed to be about the gifts we moms desire, but let's be honest, I like presents!! I guess the gifts are our children. Okay, even I threw up in my mouth a little after reading that! Whoever said that about their kiddos and meant it never had five little people with the stomach flu at the same time. They never had a child throw themselves on the floor in front of a crowd of people because you took away something they shouldn't have. I don't think that person ever had a child tell everyone they know that their mom wears granny panties! Thank you Lexy. And I certainly don't think that person had TEENAGERS! Obviously Matt and I do not have a teenager yet, but I have experienced them and have also been one, we are preparing now! Kiddos in general are slimy, loud, messy, self absorbed little balls of fire, which sometimes turns into hot molten lava and they will turn on you in an instant!! I ask myself why do we all end up having children then?? That is simple, when they are handed over to you in the hospital and you are looking at that little face and playing with those little fingers, your doctor slips something in your drink that makes you want to take them home! No, really, there are many more wonderful moments with my children than there are hard ones. My kiddos can make me laugh until I cry and can make me melt with a few simple words. They are worth all the messes and sneezes in my face, most definitely.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Going Batty

This year the Easter Bunny must have lost his or her mind!! I can't imagine what he was thinking when he thought bringing bats in our boys' Easter baskets would be a good idea! Our little men have yet to understand the concept of "outdoor" toys. Thus, the bats are inside way too much. As soon as the bats are placed in their little hands, the person on the other end better be ready to move! In their eyes everything that stands still now has a bulls eye on it. Garhett and Brenden can't even get in the car without their bats or go to bed without them for that matter. Matt and I have to hide the bats whenever the opportunity comes around. Putting them in the garage was a great way to rid the house of the bats until the boys figured out how to open the garage door!! They are always so thoughtful to grab the other brother's bat as well as their own. I don't know how, but they have not broken anything...yet. They have though smacked a few people in the head and knocked many things off tables and shelves. Giving bats to two year old twins and expecting them not to swing them is like giving a flame thrower to a pyromaniac and telling them not to use it, impossible! There is a bright side however! Garhett is a hitter! That little man can hit the ball off a baseball tee for hours. He hit a ball across the street into the neighbors yard. He is so serious when he is batting with his tongue sticking out. Brenden like to hit also, but it seems like he hasn't quite decided which side of the plate he wants to hit from. Garhett hits righty, but then he will throw with his left. I guess they have a little more time to decide before reporting for pitching and catching!