Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Time Is It?

Well, for this guy I would say it is bath time. That is Brenden after eating a chocolate cream puff, and keep in mind it was a SMALL cream puff. What I began wondering today after I told the little guys that is was their nap time was when do things we do throughout our day stop being followed by the word "time". As soon as the boys are awake, we are on a schedule filled with time to do this and time to do that. Starting with breakfast time. The boys always have a banana and a waffle followed by a glass of milk. Then comes time to take the girls to school, snack time and lunch time. Lunch is pretty consistent as well, they all like chicken bites and fruit of some sort, or the old standby PB&J. When the little people are finished with lunch time, it is nap time. Of course this is also Mom time! One of my favorite parts of the day as long as I don't have to fill it with cleaning. When nap time is done we are on to time to pick up the girls from school. We have time to play outside when we get home and probably another snack time. One of the most important times is dinner time! If things are still going well by this hour, everyone can actually get in a word or two about their day and maybe even be able to hear the music we play during dinner time. Appropriately, bath or shower time comes after dinner, hence the picture. By the time all this is finished it is time to get ready for bed. First it is time to brush teeth and read a book and put on p.j.'s. Let's not forget a very important time, time to give Mommy a kiss! After all five kiddos are down for the night, it is Mom and Dad time! Or maybe alcoholic drink time!

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