Sunday, November 28, 2010
Dinner Music
Thursday, November 25, 2010
What Morrisons' are Thankful For
In asking my children what they are thankful for, they came up with a lot of the run of the mill type answers. While it is a great thing that they are thankful for their family members (near and far) and their friends, and are also thankful for having a roof over their heads and food on their plates, I really wanted to know what our younger people are glad to have in their lives today other than the usual.
Alexys was very greatful to have a teacher that has been so supportive and helpful with her reading. I thought to myself, "I am also thankful for that!". Her teacher from last year and her teacher this year have turned her into an avid reader! She has flourished with the kindness and the time they have taken to show her how fun reading can be! Addysen is thankful for her new kitty. I too am glad she is here. Addy has kind of taken over Zorra and now says that she is her kitty. She plays doctor with Zorra, and the cat doesn't seem to mind. At least I haven't seen her sprinting down the stairs to get away from Addy! Apryl is thankful for her room. I think she likes the privacy it provides when she is needing some alone time. She also likes to read in her bed each night before going to sleep. Zorra also likes Apryls' room, it is a place where she can sleep without being bothered...too much! I guess with the boys being too little to tell me what they are thankful for I will just venture a guess. Knowing them like I do, I would say they are thankful for their cups when they have milk in them, they love their cats they carry around as well as their blankets, they are also thankful for Dora the Explorer and bath time. Oh, and they are very thankful when their Mother allowes them to run around without a diaper on! That last part is not necessarily something I am thankful for however! I know that there are many things in our world to be thankful for, but I am truly blessed to be able to have such inspiration, good or bad, to write about each day! Our children are the many reasons we do all things we do each and everyday. So, aside from the usual, I am thankful for bedtime!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Mood Swings
Monday, November 22, 2010
Workin' It!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Bright Ideas
Well, I've officially had my bright idea for the day already. Sometimes it is good to get those out of the way early. We started the day off with our car not starting, always nice. My automatic remote start thingy didn't want to start the car. As it turns out neither did my key! Okay, so not really a big deal, we knew that we were getting close to needing a new battery. I call my husband and ask for advice, seeing as how I still need to get Apryl to school. (Lexy is home sick with a cold) He thinks that I can just go ahead and take the battery from our other vehicle and switch them out! I actually think about this, and then decide to give it a shot. NOT happening!! I can't do most of what needs to be done to get this battery out. The bolt holding the battery in place just won't budge. I know my husband is thinking I am just being a girl, but I have the blisters to prove that I tried all I could to get that bolt to turn!
All the while Matt is trying to talk me through this over the phone and it is also pretty cold outside. So, in the end he sends my Brother over and eventually Ty does end up getting the batteries moved and my car is running again! Now I can get on with my regular scheduled events. Bath time is the first thing I tackle. The little people love bath time. I let each of the pick out a few toys to take with them, and I notice Garhett is carrying a miniature watering can. My first instinct is to take it from him and distract him with another toy. For whatever reason I think again, and now I am agreeing with his choice?!? Big mistake, huge! (Pretty Woman) I left them alone for a minute to grab towels and their clothes, and when I came back in the bathroom you would have thought Garhett was bailing water out of a boat with the amount of water that was on the floor. Needless to say, the towels I was holding weren't enough. Here is the kicker, I gave the watering can back to him! I think my brain must have been deprived of oxygen while I was sleeping last night. My second trip back to the bathroom, it was like a flood. My pants were wet above my ankles! Garhett is sitting in the tub saying, "uh-oh". I was thinking, "my ass 'uh-oh'!" So, that was the end of bath time! I think I used 7 or 8 towels just to soak up the water. That is all I need, more laundry!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oh Boy!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hanging Together
Our three littlest people spend all day together. So far, they get along rather well. There are times when Addy gets very upset however, due to her Brothers taking her things. She carries around a back pack that has her most prized possessions in it. This back pack is meant to hold maybe
ten toys, but Addy has that thing packed to the brim. In the back pack you can find anything from a Polly Pocket doll with her clothes and a few friends, to a hunk of plastic cheese. She has furniture for her dolls and she also has 3 or 4 horses. Collectively, this is her "stuff" as she puts it. And, she does play with all of it. At dinner time I have to call her in to the kitchen so she can clean the table off. When she is playing with the boys, they are usually chasing one another down the hallway, or jumping on Mom and Dad's bed. Both games seem to end when someone gets hurt, unfortunately. They all like many of the same shows, they like to play games with Mom and color together. Brenden and Garhett are more often than not done with coloring before Addysen because they have thrown their crayons somewhere and can't find anymore. I get to enjoy sitting and reading a book with the three of them, it's like my own little pre-school class! Addysen is becoming such a great big sister, she calls the boys "son" or "fella". When they fall, she always tries to help them up, she will say, "let me help you sonny." It is a riot to watch the three of them playing together. They are crazy and loud! I suggest to visitors, bring your own ear plugs!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Morrison Movie Night
Friday, November 12, 2010
I know this picture represents a proud moment for my husband, but lets be honest, the boys have no idea why they are wearing those shirts. All our little guys know is that their Daddy gets very excited whenever they are decked out in certain sports attire. Now this can include football gear of course, but our guys were born to be Yankee fans as well! (according to their Father) Matt waited an agonizing eight years before having a son, now that he has two, the three of them sit and watch sports A LOT! Yes, he spent many hours watching sporting events with his girls
and "teaching" them which teams they should like. Along with that, he taught them about the teams they should dislike! Apryl has been primed since she was about 18 months to say terrible things about the Red Wings, Patriots, oh and let us not forget that other team, the Red Sox! Same goes for Alexys. Now, he has Addysen, our three year old telling everyone that the Red Sox stole her candy. Then she will go on to say that the Yankees got her candy back from the mean Red Sox, which are often called the Red Sucks! I understand how exciting it is to share ones passions with their children, but there must be a point at which we allow them to make up their own minds! God forbid our children ever start to like the Buffalo Bills or the Dallas Stars, they may never be allowed back in the house! I do however appreciate the time he spends with the boys during their male bonding Sunday Football Days! Now I have to go, the boys are so close to getting "Go Broncos" down!!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Early Risers
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Brand New little Men!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Brendens' Madness
As I am typing this, I can hear the boys upstairs in their bed crying and screaming. Actually, it is probably only Garhett that is crying due to his Brother throwing his blanket and his cat out of the bed yet again!! Brenden waits for the exact moment I leave the room to get up and start picking on Garhett
. He will watch the door and try to see if he can tell if I am still standing outside. I swear the instant he hears my feet move, he is up and doing something he shouldn't. Nap time used to be my saving grace, my time to sort of re-energize and maybe get a few chores done. Now, I am losing an entire hour due to the antics of my littlest guy!! He is full of Tom Foolery!! I have noticed lately that when they are out in the living room, Brenden has started tossing Garhett's favorite toys over the gate. This way G-man is upset and gets to play with nothing until someone can reach it for him. When I discipline B-man, he looks at me with his big eyes, and wonderful smile, and everything I intended to do gets all jumbled up in my head! Now, don't get me wrong, Garhett has his moments as well, it's just that lately Brenden has been the front runner of trouble makers! Addysen has even started calling him a Crazy Nut. She will ask me throughout the day, "why is he doing that Mommy??" I usually don't have an answer as to why he does most things. I tell her that is what boys do! It is funny to have my three year old concur about the strange behavior of her Brother or Brother's! For a Mom who had little girls for a decade to suddenly be immersed in the worlds of two little boys is totally life changing. They are just that different! I am happy to have the change, they just have to wait for me to catch up!
Monday, November 1, 2010
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