Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trying to Keep Up

There is always so much going on at the Morrison house. Matt and I have been able to take the kiddos to the park a couple of times in the last few days, which is nice for all involved. We took the little people to Prospect Park last week while the girls were in school. Addy complained about all the walking we were doing, and the boys just likes being able to run without boundaries. Finally, it dawned on me that we were doing a lot of walking. I had set out to go in the direction of the playground, which to my dismay was in the total opposite direction! I kept saying to Matt, "I swear there is a park just around this corner." Well, there wasn't a park. Yes, we did pass a park on the way to the trail, but that was not good enough for Mom!! I thought a nice little hike to the other playground would be fun, and it probably would have been if I had taken the right way. All was not lost, the kids still got to play and they also got to feed the geese. Garhett seemed more interested in hitting the poor geese with the bread rather than feeding them. He would throw the not so soft hot dog bun with all his might aiming directly for a tail or a head. He did have a couple of moments when he let the geese eat without tormenting them, unless chasing them is considered torment!

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