When my little people are sleeping, it is a time of rejoicing for me. I can sit and relax for a little while, maybe even enjoy a glass or two (depending on the day) of wine. My internal clock relies on bed time happening at the same time consistently each night. If something impedes my kiddos from getting to bed at their normal hour, my body begins to shut down! My mind starts to turn into mush and I can hardly function as a Mother should. I am not able to help with simple homework problems, 2 + 2= 9, 417. I am no longer able to speak in a language understood by my oldest children, "what did Mom just say??", "I don't know, I thought she was talking to you!" I do not spend my entire day just wishing that nap time or bed time would arrive, I do enjoy the time I get to spend with my kiddos, but that is not to say that I don't enjoy time I have without them. I would be lying if I said I would like to spend every waking moment being Mom. When I am afforded the time to read a book, which has become a luxury, I take advantage of it. I have said to Alexys when I am taking a break only find me if your head is falling off!! She is always the one to dare to knock on the door. I can feel her outside the door thinking to herself, "should I, or shouldn't I?" I am telepathically trying to tell her NOOOO!!!! 99 percent of the time that doesn't work. I can even hear Apryl from the living room say to her, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" The main reason babies and older children look so sweet when they are sleeping is so parents can remember why they had kids in the first place, and it also gives them a little incentive to do it all again the next day!
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