Thursday, September 30, 2010

Say What??

Today, my Mom and I were having lunch together at my house, it was a usual lunch. We were talking about the same things, just basically catching up, then my Mom asks Addysen how her day is going. Addy says to her, "my Mom is pissing me off!" I couldn't help but laugh. By the time I was done laughing there was not much point in telling her not to say such things, because she was already on to a new conversation. That statement came out of nowhere and it completely took me by surprise. For once I was eating and minding my own business. I know that from time to time I can be a little silly and probably annoy my children, but I was innocent. Innocent I tell you!! I will say this however, I am to blame for her having heard those words. I am certain I have said something is pissing me off. It hasn't ever been directed at her...well without her knowing anyway! I guess this means that I am on a campaign to clean up my act! Like that commercial for Orbitz gum, "dirty mouth? Chew this!" Matt, I don't want to hear anything from you buster!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Addys' Look

Here is a little lady that marches to the beat of her own drum. She is constantly dressing up as...something. Since yesterday, she has been wearing her new Tinkerbell costume, and Apryl will be hard pressed to get that crown off her head. (Apryl needs it for her book report tomorrow!) She loves to wear Mommys' shoes. I love that I get to have someone rearrange my closet everyday. She can be heard coming down the hallway with high heels, or Daddy's work shoes. She also like to wear Alexys' snow boots accompanied by only a pair of underwear. Lately she has been into wearing make-up. I give her my empty containers and a brush, then she stands at the bathroom door looks in the mirror, and puts her make-up on. She will always ask me, "how do I look?" She is very much a fan of tutu's and most things she can wear on her head. I actually saw her the other day with a bucket on her head she said was a fireman hat. It was pretty funny, the strap was covering her forehead. I love how kids can put on the most ridiculous outfit and walk around like there is nothing strange about what they are wearing! I like to have fun with my kiddos, but a dog costume in 90 degree heat is NOT up my alley.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Faces

Another birthday in the books. Alexys turned eight years old today! Daddy was able to take the day off and we all got to play! Before school was out we took the little people costume shopping. Addysen changed her mind several times before deciding upon Tinkerbell. I felt that was a rather boring choice seeing as how she stared out wanting to be something totally different. I think being in the store was overwhelming for her. Having all of those costumes jumping out at her at the same time was making her little three year old brain hurt. So, she went with the familiar. The boys on the other hand, were having fun running around looking at all the scary decorations with the biggest boy! I think he was happy to have a kiddo that is finally interested in gross things. Brenden was laughing and pointing at the ghosts moving and making noise while poor Addy was trembling and practically pulling my pants off trying to cover her head. If she wasn't traumatized by that, the guy that pops out from underneath the table sure did the trick! It got Mommy too! I was thinking, "Hell no!" We were able to end our day at the jumpy place as Addy likes to call it. She kept saying, "Let's go pump it up!" We ran around that place for an hour and a half, Uncle Ty and Grandma included. We watched the little people go up and down the inflatable slide that was about 15 feet tall, over and over!! It was the best place for kids to play, they can not get hurt. Also, the BIG people get to play! We all had a blast, I can't remember when we all just played without arguing, and without hearing, "that's not fair!!" It was nice! Now, I need to get my Tylenol and heating pad ready!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

When my little people are sleeping, it is a time of rejoicing for me. I can sit and relax for a little while, maybe even enjoy a glass or two (depending on the day) of wine. My internal clock relies on bed time happening at the same time consistently each night. If something impedes my kiddos from getting to bed at their normal hour, my body begins to shut down! My mind starts to turn into mush and I can hardly function as a Mother should. I am not able to help with simple homework problems, 2 + 2= 9, 417. I am no longer able to speak in a language understood by my oldest children, "what did Mom just say??", "I don't know, I thought she was talking to you!" I do not spend my entire day just wishing that nap time or bed time would arrive, I do enjoy the time I get to spend with my kiddos, but that is not to say that I don't enjoy time I have without them. I would be lying if I said I would like to spend every waking moment being Mom. When I am afforded the time to read a book, which has become a luxury, I take advantage of it. I have said to Alexys when I am taking a break only find me if your head is falling off!! She is always the one to dare to knock on the door. I can feel her outside the door thinking to herself, "should I, or shouldn't I?" I am telepathically trying to tell her NOOOO!!!! 99 percent of the time that doesn't work. I can even hear Apryl from the living room say to her, "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" The main reason babies and older children look so sweet when they are sleeping is so parents can remember why they had kids in the first place, and it also gives them a little incentive to do it all again the next day!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Leaving the Table!

I thought a little scenery from our beautiful mountains might help to calm everyone! After the dinner I just had with my family, I need some calming. This is one of those, "I could drink this entire bottle" nights! If I actually did that, I wouldn't be getting out of bed at all tomorrow. It started yesterday with one little man, Brenden, that could not be consoled no matter what I tried. He cried off and on all day for periods that lasted for almost an hour. Towards the end of the day I was seriously beginning to wonder if something was really bothering him. I even got out my medical books, and a book on how to raise the perfect child if I wasn't their Mother book, and didn't come up with much. So, I chalk it up to a phase, which is where I place most things that I can not find a concrete explanation for. Then, we have today. Things seemed to be going much more smoothly this morning. I handed the correct cups to the right boys, they each ate a snack without throwing it at me or on the floor, and they went down pretty well for their naps. Then, out of nowhere, the crying picks up where it left off yesterday, and again, there is nothing that can be done for him. Also, Garhett is joining in on the act. Two little boys sitting with their Mom in her bed, just screaming. I had to stop making dinner so I could sit with them and try to help them. So, I decide maybe they are hungry, put them in their chairs, and all is fairly calm...until Addy becomes pissed that Apryl took her salad bowl!! Brenden and Garhett finish an entire bowl of pasta, and my getting up to get them more sets G-Man off, big time! He cried through the rest of dinner, along with Addy yelling at Apryl and refusing to eat. I was looking for the calgon, or that magical remote control that stops everything in it's tracks! Then, my oldest who is witnessing me have a near meltdown , FARTS at the table and precedes to laugh about it, I grabbed my food and headed downstairs! I couldn't take any more, Mom was DONE! I am writing until the little monsters are in bed, and I can have some peace....okay, I can't write until they leave for college.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everybody Loves a Parade!

While I took four of the five to the Harvest Festival Parade not too long ago, Matt took Apryl to her softball games. The parade by the way, had Addy convinced that it was being held in her honor for her birthday, and as her Mother, I kinda agreed! Officers close the streets down early these days before the parade begins, and the kiddos get to color all over the street with chalk. My boys were in total awe of this fact. They weren't sure how to handle being allowed in the street! I could see where the mixed message might be confusing to my little men. When the parade finally started, I could see that they loved the marching bands. They were dancing and clapping as each band marched by, Addy did as well. Addysen actually said the bands were her favorite part, and that she really liked the trombones. Go figure! The parade held the boys interest as they started to realize what was being tossed at them was something to eat, always the way to a man's heart! By the parade's end, my guys must have eaten 8 Dum-Dum's a piece! They were a sticky mess, and it required me to use half a package of wipes just so I could hold their hands and walk them to my car afterward. I was not encouraging them to eat as many suckers as they could before we got home, they were quick to figure out how to get the wrappers off. They did have great naps that afternoon! The parade is a huge tradition for our entire family, and it is so neat to take our own family now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beater Licken' Good!

This is a little late but here it is! Life has been busier than usual at the Morrison house. We had an anniversary--12 years, and Addy celebrated her third birthday! We also went camping one last time. For Addy's birthday Apryl and Lexy and I made and decorated cupcakes. We waited to decorate until the boys went to bed, it's just better that way! They were treated though, with a beater from the mixer. This was their first time experiencing the simple joy a beater can bring. Addy, who already knows what it is like to lick a beater, was held over with a spoon dipped in the batter. Now I know all the things everyone thinks about the raw ingredients that are in a batter, but I grew up licking beaters and even eating cookie dough. Was it a great thing to give a kid, who knows?? I am still here. I didn't sit my little people down and hand them the entire bowl of cupcake batter, nor do I give my children an ungodly amount of cookie dough. I just don't see the point in taking life's little pleasures away from my kiddos because a couple of PC people saw some chickens sitting in a cage! Again, I am the biggest animal lover I know, and that is probably true for a lot of people that know me, so don't start thinking that I am insensitive towards the plight of chickens everywhere. I like cage free as much as the next gal! I just don't understand all the fuss that is made by so many parents about the smallest things. My boys and my girls for that matter, are up to date on all of their shots, so thanks for the concern, but cupcake batter and cookie dough are not going to take a back seat to parents who have their kids wearing rubber gloves throughout their childhoods.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today was just one of those days when bedtime could not have come any sooner!! I am so tired of having to look out for projectiles everywhere I go. I can not walk through my house without stepping on a Lego or a toy car. It is a still a wonder to me why my boys pick up something just so they can wing it at my head. As far as I am concerned, I have been pretty good to them thus far and my actions do not warrant such behavior! Sometimes I have to take the full blow of the incoming object so it doesn't hit Addy in the noggin, or so it won't break something. By the way, just because they say, "uh-oh" doesn't make it okay!! A person can not pick an object off the ground, send it sailing threw the room and then expect "uh-oh" to make it alright! So, when a criminal is caught robbing a bank will "uh-oh" be his new defense?? I feel like my attire some days should include a helmet and steel toed boots, and maybe a tennis racket. Wouldn't that make for a great picture!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Simple Things

It doesn't take much to make a little person smile, honestly. These kiddos laugh and grin all day long. They laugh at commercials they find amusing, they play with a balloon like it's the best thing in the world. I wish I could find that same joy when I am cleaning the kitchen or even changing yet another diaper. You know, I will give the boys something to put in the laundry basket and you would think they just won a million dollars. Each time I go downstairs to do the laundry Addy asks if she can go with me. Today Alexys wanted to wash the windows of our car! I have witnessed the boys enjoying throwing trash away. Addysen was elated because she can now open the refrigerator on her own. She also likes that she can put her shoes on the right feet. I guess having a sense of accomplishment for whatever it is they are doing makes it worth doing. I just wish we were able to remember the little things like pulling up our underwear on our own, or going down steps without falling, that way we might all feel better about what we are accomplishing today. We would all be getting pats on the back for starting a lawn mower or un-tying our shoes before we take them off. Showing up to work would result in a shower of confetti, and making dinner would lead to a standing ovation. Just think what the really big things would earn us!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trying to Keep Up

There is always so much going on at the Morrison house. Matt and I have been able to take the kiddos to the park a couple of times in the last few days, which is nice for all involved. We took the little people to Prospect Park last week while the girls were in school. Addy complained about all the walking we were doing, and the boys just likes being able to run without boundaries. Finally, it dawned on me that we were doing a lot of walking. I had set out to go in the direction of the playground, which to my dismay was in the total opposite direction! I kept saying to Matt, "I swear there is a park just around this corner." Well, there wasn't a park. Yes, we did pass a park on the way to the trail, but that was not good enough for Mom!! I thought a nice little hike to the other playground would be fun, and it probably would have been if I had taken the right way. All was not lost, the kids still got to play and they also got to feed the geese. Garhett seemed more interested in hitting the poor geese with the bread rather than feeding them. He would throw the not so soft hot dog bun with all his might aiming directly for a tail or a head. He did have a couple of moments when he let the geese eat without tormenting them, unless chasing them is considered torment!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tribute to Dad

This morning the guys were busy as usual. They were especially enjoying dressing up in other peoples shoes, headbands and hats. I found Garhett a hat and he kept giving it back to me. I didn't think he would care that it was pink, I just thought it would be somewhat alright considering it was a Bronco hat. He was NOT going to wear that hat, he kept throwing it on the floor followed by a short protest. He was looking at me like I was crazy, and wondering why I would keep putting that hat on his head. Shortly after, Brenden heard the commotion and needed to find out what was going on. So, by then I needed to find two hats or else WW-III might commence! Or in our case, WWW-XXV. In order to keep our morning going smoothly, I rifled through their Father's things. I was able to find two hats, only different, and when things are different there could be trouble. So, I first offer to Garhett the black hat and he is not thrilled, but to my surprise his Brother gives him the hat he is holding and there is happiness on both little faces. I was not sure how to react when the two little guys just put their hats on and walked down the hallway. It is strange to see how much they know they each other. Brenden seemed to know right away that I had handed the wrong hats to the wrong people, and instead of whining he just handed it over. Garhett also. They wore their hats most of the morning. They would pull them down over their eyes and try to walk around the house. That is always funny and a little nerve racking at the same time. You really don't want to see them run into a wall but, when they do you still laugh a little.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Playing in the Rain

Since Matt has his radio show during the middle of the week the kiddos and I try to find things to do in order to kill time. We have started going to the park after school each Tuesday. Last week was really nice. The weather was cooperating and it was much cooler than it had been recently. Also, the troops loved having the entire park to themselves. No one else showed up to play while we were there, now that I think about that, I'm sure they were scared away! I always have the camera on hand, and my oldest two are so used to me taking pictures that they don't even bother to argue anymore. Apryl will say, "where do you want us?". I just know, with my memory and how fast things happen when someone has five kids, pictures will be my saving grace. I am hard pressed to remember what happened yesterday. Anyway, while we were all playing and enjoying ourselves, in came the rain. I thought for sure we were going to have to pack up and head home, but the rain was warm and not too heavy. My children were delighted to play in the rain and not have to worry about getting wet. They all ran around with their arms in the air like they had been set free. What I appreciate most about that afternoon was how they reminded me to not take life so seriously. "Play in the rain, mommy.", says Addy!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weather Changes

I love this time of year, it's when everything feels cozier and we spend nights together playing games. I love getting ready for the holidays, even as hectic as they can get. I remember last year when Matt and I stood out in the 20 degree weather waiting for Toys R Us to open at midnight. We were in a line a mile long, literally. We must have waited for about 45 minutes with a bunch of other crazy parents hoping to get a great deal on something! Well, it turned out to be a bust! We barely got inside and I had to turn around because I was instantly feeling claustrophobic. There were people from wall to wall in there with NO breathing room. It was awful! There was no organization, they had no lines ready for the mass of people. They also ran out of merchandise before we even got in the door! We tried to walk around which was a nightmare, and the people with carts, well, God help them! I grabbed my poor hubby and headed for the nearest exit, which took us about ten minutes to reach. I felt so awful because he had humored me in the first place and secondly we still had all of our shopping to do!! I kept saying, "at least we got to spend some time together-alone!". He just looked at like I was an idiot! I'm sure if his body hadn't partially frozen he would have had a better retort. Now it is a lesson learned, and with the holidays looming already, we will NOT be going shopping at midnight again!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Good Times

It has become increasingly noticeable what the boys find funny. They now lift each other shirts and slap the others belly! I was in my room one morning folding laundry and I could hear the sound of slapping followed by laughter. I was so curious as to what they were doing that I peeked in without them noticing and saw them smacking one another! The boys laughed and giggled each time they hit their brother. I don't remember doing that when I was little. I have also begun to notice the boys understanding humor. A few days ago a commercial came on that had a dog dancing with a hot dog, they both laughed so hard that I heard one of them snort! Apryl ended up having to rewind the commercial about 50 times because they were shouting at the tv. It was somewhat funny, maybe just not that funny! Their laughter is contagious. Everything about the little people is so genuine. We know when they don't like something because they usually throw it across the room, and we know when they love something because their little faces light up. It is nice not to have to guess what they are thinking or feeling, they make their opinions known for everybody. I am lucky to have the opportunity each day to see such smiley and lovable guys!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm Watching

There have been times recently when I have asked our little lady, who is almost three, to share something with her brothers. I will often follow her to see what really happens behind the scenes. I have been very impressed with her behavior. She is willingly offering up toys when her brother's "ask" for whatever it is she might have. She says, "here you go brother.". It was really sweet. I have seen her on more than one occasion pat one of the boys on their back when they are crying. She has been trying to console them and even help them when she knows what is making them upset. She always helps with snack time by giving the boys their milk and their snack cups. She certainly has turned the corner from the terrible two's and is moving on to a nicer Addy! It is rewarding to see the little things we have been teaching the kiddos actually being done by one of them. I can also see when she extends herself to her brothers, they are just a bit kinder to each other! Brenden will come shout at me when he thinks Garhett needs me. The other day, Garhett was hanging off the tv stand and I had inquired as to whether or not he was ok when I heard him whining from the living room. I was in the kitchen doing the dishes. Brenden, though, was standing at the gate screaming at me to get my attention. When I finally understood that Brenden was like Lassie trying to give me a message, I found Garhett in his predicament! I felt like they were both looking at me thinking, "DUH mom!!".