Saturday, June 1, 2013

Catching Up

 So, we are still alive and breathing...just busy!  We have reached many milestones over the last month and had there been more room for pictures, that may have been all I posted on here!  If I was to put everything in order of importance starting with the least important and working our way up that would be awfully difficult, so I will begin with the most recent.  Last week our littlest lady, Addy or Boomba, graduated from kindergarten!!  It was hard to believe that she had already finished her first year of school.  She is really looking forward to being a first grader, which I am reminded of each day...could make for a long summer!  Also, Addy performed in her first dance recital.  Ballet and tap.  To say they were cute is the understatement of the year!  I could not get over how adorable those little girls were!  Alexys has finished her fifth grade year with wonderful grades and left her teacher with many memories...especially the questions Lexy asked during "Growing and Changing"!  Long story, if you call and ask we might tell you!!  Our Alexys is going to be a big sixth grader this fall and is ready for Outdoor Lab... in November!!  Nothing better than a mountain trip in November!  Brenden and Garhett and working on perfecting their fielding and becoming home run hitters, all in preparation for their Golden Glove awards and MVP's for batting! :)  They have already perfected the art of joke telling and throwing whatever they can find off the deck, so it's time to move forward.  Also, in case anyone forgot, we became parents to a teenager last month!   That milestone, to say the least, was so strange!  I never imagined ourselves being old enough to have a teenager!  However, we are two lucky parents to have the teen that we have!  Apes, not only made the honor roll, she is now an official National Junior Honor Society member, a member of her student leadership and recently played in a state volleyball tournament!  She is becoming a wonderful young adult!  I can hardly wait to see what awaits us in the future!!

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