Friday, March 1, 2013

It's About Time!

Having been gone for some time now, it would simply take too long to go over everything that has happened since I last wrote.  My goal is to once again write posts a few times a week, given my children are able to provide me with enough material!  :)  It was probably good we were gone during the holidays. Our family was hit HARD with virus after virus after virus.  Not something everyone wants to hear about over and over.  Our boys have turned four, Alexys lost another tooth, Addy had to move her pin in class due to excessive talking, and Apryl is closing the gap in height with her mother!!  I imagine a time when I may be the shortest person in the house!  Writing this first blog after such a long time I a reminded why it takes so long to get out only a few boys!  One has an empty soda box on his head while the other is calling him a "trash monster" and hitting him repeatedly with a pillow!  No quiet time for can dream!

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