Monday, November 14, 2011

Things They Like...

It still amazes me how much boys are born BOYS, and girls are born GIRLS. What I mean by that is the way that our boys take naturally to boyish things and same for our girls. Already our little guys have determined their favorite colors, which are green and blue. That is quite a change of pace from what their sisters loved...PINK! Except for Addy whose favorite color is purple. No one else can like purple just for the record, I think Addy owns it! She is very defensive when someone else declares they also like that color, "NO! Purple is MY favorite color!" she will shout. At the library on Saturday, Garhett was so set upon finding a race car book while Addysen was in desperate need of yet another princess book. Both of them were so cute when they went to the librarian to ask for help. "Garhett wants race car book.", he said to the librarian. Alexys came home with 'Little House on the Prairie', another girlie book. Brenden was happy with his tractor book and also his book from the movie 'Cars'. Neither of them bothered with books about fuzzy things or frilly things. Commercials also show how much different they are from their sisters. They only stop to watch the ones with race tracks or Lego's, deeming all others with ponies or dolls for Addy. Also, after dressing up as football players for Halloween, it took me three days to convince them they needed to take the eye black off! Now, don't get me wrong, our boys have been dressed up in one of their sisters dresses a time or two, and they like to occasionally play "house" with Addysen, but those time are getting further and further apart. They are no longer liking to be in their sisters clothing and would prefer to wear a football helmet or hiking boots all day, other articles of clothing optional. Our boys would rather throw the babies down the stairs over putting it down for a nap or having to feed it, and every time they want to play superheros, Addysen always calls herself the Fairy Super Hero! It is neat to see our kiddos natural progression into boyhood and or girlhood. Had we never had boys, I would have missed so much!

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