Friday, September 23, 2011

Funny Guys!

Our littlest family members are developing quite the personalities. While they are obviously a lot alike, due to that identical twin thing, there are moments when you know they are also very much individuals. Their favorite thing to talk about lately are their favorite colors. What I find interesting is that Garhetts favorite color is blue and Brendens favorite color is green! I guess this means they are sick of their signature colors I picked out for them when they came home from the hospital. Also, they are always talking about who in our family is a boy or a girl. While Matt and I were lying in bed with the boys Garhett says, "Daddy is a boy, and Garhett is a boy." I asked him if mommy was a boy and his answer was, "no, mommy is a princess."!! Oh man, that made my day!! I thought, "you just bought yourself another year on the planet, buddy!" What a sweet talker, girls better look out!! Garhett also has a habit of "mothering" his brother. He will call him Brenden Tyler with a very stern voice, and he is always telling him to be careful because he could hurt himself. Brenden likes to watch for garbage trucks each morning, he will run to the living room to either look out the window or sit on the porch and wave at the garbage men. He is rambunctious and full of energy, I seriously doubt he has thought of his mommy as a princess. Maybe the evil queen.

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