Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Riddance!!

Two days ago a few members of my family and myself witnessed a vicious dog attack. This took place directly in front of our house, where our children play on a very regular basis. In fact, the kiddos had just been outside moments before, but mom made them come inside to shower! Thank goodness!! Unfortunately, Alexys saw a good portion of the attack from the beginning. I ran into the living room because of the screams that we were hearing, and quickly ushered Lexy into the kitchen after seeing what was happening. I was in complete shock, considering this is the same dog that attacked another dog three weeks ago resulting in the other dog losing it's leg!! This incident has stuck with me since it occurred, I can not stop thinking how lucky we were that it was not one of our precious children. You would think with the paper trail this dog has, even before the first attack, that our city would want to get a handle on the situation. It feels as if people are waiting for a better reason to remove the dog, and that reason had better not be one of my kiddos!! There have been more times than I can count when I have been out walking with my kiddos and that dog charges at the window and scratches and barks and growls, all while trying to get out! This is so difficult for me to comes to terms with being the animal lover that I am, but having this dog among my children and other neighborhood children is worth the efforts to get rid of it! It was hard enough to explain to Alexys what happened when she asked if the little dog died, it broke my heart to tell her the truth. I can only imagine what it would have been like to have to explain to her what happened had it been one of her siblings!

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