Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No, No, and NO!!

Today I am starting something new, I am trying my best not to have the word "no" be the only thing my boys hear from me. It feels lately like all I do is discipline. Who wants to be around someone that seems grouchy and only says "no" and "stop doing that!"? I know the importance of having rules and boundaries for our kiddos, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the task of chasing around three toddlers. I do not want my little ones to grow up and only have memories of mommy yelling and staring them down. That will only lead to some sort of therapy I will end up having to pay for! Everything single thing we do as a family comes with a pile of rules and restrictions, or so it seems since we were gifted our twins! I talk so much throughout the our day that I am surprised I don't lose my voice more often. I always have to repeat myself, it does not matter what I am saying, and I usually repeat the sentences four or five times. Our boys need CONSTANT supervision, which is a complete 180 from what I had become accustomed to. The girls are able to keep their damn hands off things while the boys can hardly wait to touch something that is off limits. I wonder how much of this defiance comes from them being boys or is it that their are TWO of them? If one little man is sitting and behaving himself, leave it to the other to act like a maniac! I think it is only fair for moms to be allotted one or two melt-downs a day. After seeing my guys throw a fit, kicking and screaming, they are usually pretty calm afterwards so maybe there is something to temper tantrums. It would be priceless to see my kiddos faces when they are watching their mother writhing on the floor, screaming at the top of my lungs. That would probably buy me a few minutes of alone time, "leave mom alone, I think she is going crazy!"

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